I like another oil debate, like hell, spent 3 odd years studying oils while doing my mechanical engineering, another 30+ odd years trying to work out the snake oil salesmen talk, and various trials in the field of earthmoving heavy equipment, it is to say the least a mine field.
My experience tells me, stay with what the OEM specified within reason.
Transmission oils are complicated, they need to be because they operate under various conditions/heat/cold /transmission designs, especially compared to straight cut gears found in an old motorcycle gearboxes.
Me I just use what Norton advised and have had no problems, I have not experienced any shifting or wear problems.
In the mining game I had some wins and some losses when trialing different oils in the mobile and fixed plant, verdict now when I look back, is about even, extending oil change periods in engines on various oils trials was not a good idea, due to the complications with tradesmen not being able to fill in the data correctly, thus giving misleading results.
Seat of the pants doesn't work for me.

Modern bikes run on engine oils in the gearbox but, the gears in these bikes are by far far more accurately designed and manufactured.