Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report

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Mar 24, 2014
I have always wanted a fire truck red Commando Fastback. Well all my Nortons have been BRG but very close behind was a desire for a red one. So now I had secured a beautifully restored one in Iowa USA, built five years back by Baxters with only ten miles on it since complete rebuilt and in Fastback form. The boys in the pub laughed at me and said I was an idiot (so what's new) and that it would arrive with no pistons, seized gearbox and anything else they could think of. But they were very wrong and there was stunned silence and disbelief when I pulled up at the pub on it that very first night it was here. Then absolute admiration, and a lot of ooing and arring. I wasn't such an idiot after all!. Even some poorly disguised hints about having a ride. But that was never going to happen. The only person to ever ever have ridden any of my Nortons is my brother. A very good Norton rider (better than me in fact, but that's not hard) and I trust him.

The three and a half month journey to Sydney, Australia, was a shocking nightmare. A sleepless three and a half months. It got trucked to LA okay and was crated and loaded onto the ship. All paperwork etc was being handled by import agent Greg Saikely of All America Imports, he was brilliant. All I had to do was worry myself sick back here at home, a roll I filled extremely well. Then without warning, LA customs jumped in and pulled the crate and others off the ship. Obviously looking for something, maybe just to big time upset an Australian who is always upsetting them. I was getting really pissed off with all this middle handling, much more than I was the delay. Some asshole is going to scratch my baby.

Now three weeks late, the ship finally sailed with Greg telling me, no damage, relax. I felt real good. Glen my mate at the pub whose into importing and exporting said he'd track the ship's voyage for me and report every night its position. Then told me containers frequently fall off ships. I went back to being sick again. Closer and closer it got until one night Glen wandered into the pub and said very close today but at a latitude below Sydney now heading south for Melbourne! No idea why. I was in absolute shock. But apparently, turned out that was the route, Melbourne then Sydney. No one had told me.

Three days after Melbourne it sailed into Botany bay, the baby was finally home, well close. Five days later it was released, no drugs hidden and specs of dust free of what ever they are looking for. But then the time window to collect it was not possible. Eventually by truck then small van it came half way here where Bike Shop owner Paul and I met it in Paul's ute. It was an exciting moment. We slid the van door open and even Paul (who cares little for old bikes, even Nortons) gasped, it was immaculate.. My avatar photo was taken at this point.

Back here in Mittagong in the shop workshop, Paul and I checked it over. I found that little green button I'd never seen before and pressed it, expecting the battery to wheeze and die, or explode and spill its acid everywhere. But the starter spun and the engine roared into life. The beautiful exhaust note brought back so many on going Norton Commando memories and it was ready to ride.
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

Great story and she is a lovely looking Norton, I always liked the looks of a Fastback, I could have brought one in the late 70s, but the owner wanted $2,500 at the time which was a lot of money in them days and I just couldn't afford it, shame as it would have been great to be in my collection.

Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

ashman said:
Great story and she is a lovely looking Norton, I always liked the looks of a Fastback, I could have brought one in the late 70s, but the owner wanted $2,500 at the time which was a lot of money in them days and I just couldn't afford it, shame as it would have been great to be in my collection.


Part 2, and if necessary Part 3 to come Ashley. It was too long otherwise. I write stuff straight out of my head but not hard to do when following a chronological theme.

Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

So nice to see the new arrival. More pictures!
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

that is a very nice red Norton, good for you, enjoy and keep it clean
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

[quote="phil yates
that it would arrive with no pistons, seized gearbox and anything else they could think of.

I have purchased 4 commando's ex USA. Everytime they arrived exactly as described. Honest lot I have found.

Nice bike you have and nice roads too. We do Kangaroo Valley often.
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

Nater_Potater said:
So nice to see the new arrival. More pictures!

I'll send plenty in with Parts 2 and 3 Nathan.
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

Craig said:
that is a very nice red Norton, good for you, enjoy and keep it clean

Certainly will Craig.
And the next to arrive BRG one will be kept exactly the same.

Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

Parked here everyday when at the shops. They reserve my spot and people take photos. No bullshit. When the other shoppers saw "The Wild One" climb off and head towards Basil's Choo Choo Train Shop, they scattered like olChris and his mates when the shark alarm goes off, car park was evacuated in minutes. Happens every day!!


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Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

For as long as I can remember I've disliked the Fastback bodywork, but now I find them strangely attractive.
must be a mid-life crisis and hopefully it will pass soon.
lovely bike !
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

trident sam said:
For as long as I can remember I've disliked the Fastback bodywork, but now I find them strangely attractive.
must be a mid-life crisis and hopefully it will pass soon.
lovely bike !

It's a mid life crisis.
Relax, just think of mother England.
You'll soon be wanting a Hi-Rider again :)
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

Nortiboy said:
[quote="phil yates
that it would arrive with no pistons, seized gearbox and anything else they could think of.

I have purchased 4 commando's ex USA. Everytime they arrived exactly as described. Honest lot I have found.

Nice bike you have and nice roads too. We do Kangaroo Valley often.

See you down in the Valley one day. Real good ride from here.

Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 2

Ground checks all complete, I'm on board, strange green button pressed and the new baby roars into life. Just like testing a new jet, you don't just blast off and try out a series of rolls, loops and spins. Or if you do, you certainly don't come back and tell the owner. You take things real easy. So too with a new Commando. We rolled slowly out of the workshop and I gently accelerated the bird down the road. This was feeling like no other Commando I'd ridden. Hands off it tracked true, no blue smoke out rear, isolastics working as expected and get a feel of that flattish band torquey power. What have the Norton boys done? My last two machines were combats, the last the very very best, as previously described but this bird is moving very differently. Not a combat in performance but real lazy power. The bird is a cruiser but plenty of acceleration in there if you want. By the time I hit the magic mile heading south towards Berrima I'm illegally up to 70mph and she's begging to be let go. But it's very risky, the magic mile is watched and checked regularly by the cops since some years back myself on combat and others used to blat down it at 100mph plus, heading for the Berrima pub for a few. The cops caught on and have watched it ever since. Just can't risk it anymore. It's a jail sentence job.

At the pub, there's no one hardly there except cranky Warrick who snarls at me "Ya back blinkers are hangin down like dogs balls". And so they were, a de welded bracket. Will fix it tomorrow. Not according to Warrick, but that's another story in itself. Cruising back into Mittagong, I hadn't tried any low to medium speed corners but would later. Into the pits at the the bike shop I tell the crew all is okay, promise Paul his case of beer (always do but never remember to bring it - I owe him a whole pub by now). The short ride back home puts me through some slow bends and bumpy road. She handles them both very nicely. In fact I hadn't felt this real Commando steering for a long time. On the last combat, we fitted fatter tyres and not until this bird did I realise the difference. This is magic steering, just think where you want to go or the line around a corner and she takes you there and out again. Need to change line half way in? no problem at all. The Kawasaki just couldn't do this. I got home grinning like a cheshire cat, like I always do every first day on a new Commando. But I am really wrapped in this one. That night at the Mittagong Hotel it was celebration all round. I was going to shout all the boys beers for the whole night but like Paul's beer case, I forgot. (:

I had my two beers as per always, said goodbye all and blatted off home thinking I was the luckiest guy in the world. I love this machine with a passion. Just like all my Commandos. And later this year will be arriving it's twin sister in BRG. There is no other experience in the world better. I once tried a Dragonfly jet and that was mind blowing.
But nothing like riding the Unapproachable Norton!!
Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 2

Straight out of the van. Very first day.


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Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 2

Another Try


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Re: Arrival Of New Baby, Commando Report - Part 1

JW 72Combat said:
That is a righteous motorcycle.

It's a beauty JW
I just love combats with a passion after having two.
This baby is different, but every bit as loveable.


I've merged parts '1' & '2' as that should make it easier for readers to follow if the whole thing is in one place.
Please continue adding further updates to this thread rather than posting them in separate parts.

Thanks. :wink:
L.A.B. said:

I've merged parts '1' & '2' as that should make it easier for readers to follow if the whole thing is in one place.
Please continue adding further updates to this thread rather than posting them in separate parts.

Thanks. :wink:

Sounds good Les,
Unfortunately Part 3 went in last night so don't know if you want to move it also. No more to come. Part 3 was just an afterthought I knocked up just before going to bed.

phil yates said:
Unfortunately Part 3 went in last night so don't know if you want to move it also. No more to come. Part 3 was just an afterthought I knocked up just before going to bed.

As 'Part 3' had a different title, it can stay as it is (you may have noticed I deleted the 'Part 3' bit from the title).

I'm surprised there isn't more to come, though.
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