Any & All Cafe Racer Clubs

especially if you have Nortons !
Dime City Cycles was the first builder shop shown on last year's
Discovery Channel - Cafe Racer Series... Good Guys!

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Dime City Cycles is working to build a directory of all Cafe Racer Clubs
(In and outside of the US) please pass this message on via Facebook/Email/Etc
asking anyone who is a member or founder of a club
to shoot me an email-

We're working on something BIG and want to make sure everyone is included!
I applaud your atempt to do this. Maybe it's because realy good well built cafe racer "type" bikes are so personaly linked to the builder that a gathering for a fasion show just doesn't matter to them. When that T.V. Show and the Magazine that started it first began I was excited but they have both been so disapointingly bad that I think of it more like a small town teenybopper "fanzine". Am I just a old grumpy F*^~€ now or what?