Anti Theft Devices

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hey tban I see you have a tr4a many moons ago June 12,1971 barely survived my first high speed mess up...doing the ton on worn tires on a wet road .Anyway what a great car knock off wheels and the works.How about a picture.
I came up with an idea for a solenoid actuated under-seat device with a de-activation timer that must be disarmed or the device will actuate within about 2 minutes from ignition on. The solenoid plunger is mounted in the space immediately under the rider's seat, next to the oil tank (plenty of space in there); plunger is 6" long, tip is very sharp. De-activation switch can be hidden anywhere on the bike. They might get away with your bike, but they probably won't get far.
I really don't think I'd be comfortable with that, but the thought is enticing.
"LO Jack recovery systems", their ad says that if they can't recover your bike in 24 hours you'll get your money back (for the system not the bike) .
Has anyone any LO Jack success stories to share, or any antitheft success stories?

I am at work with my Norton parked outside the window where I can see it. Maybe I'll bring it inside from now on; it would probably improve the fung shui.

Other option: leave it a little dirty and rusty and park next to a shiny new Harley. Hope the thieves take the HD.

Less desirable option: put a sticker on it "Support Your Local Sons of Silence" (or whichever club is in charge of your area). Then the HA may steal it. Just kidding, HA, I love all of you 1% ers. Beers are on me.

Worst option: put Honda decals on it.

Maybe the best option: get a second Norton just in case. This might get vetoed at home, though.
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