Another clutch basket failure.

Hey guys, you seem to have these modifications well in hand which is great. It would still be really useful to me (and I suspect to many others) to establish whether an assessment of the security of the Ring Gear (screws) and Clutch Basket (rivets) can be made by removing the Primary Cover only - manipulating associated parts by hand or by mechanical means? Or is it necessary to remove and strip the clutch to establish security of these assemblies?

Appreciate your feedback.

Best regards, Steve
Loose rivet pins should be apparent by trying to move the clutch basket by hand. If they are coming loose, it will move a bit on the drive gear. If they have failed, as mine did, it will flop around a lot. Not quite as sure about the ring gear screws. Mine were tight, so I don't know if you could feel any movement by hand. It seems like failure of them would be immediately catastrophic, but I haven't experienced that, so can't be sure.

Thanks Ken,

Makes sense and I seem to remember Richard mentioned similar ref the Ring Gear, that if loose it would move slightly against the screws when manipulated by hand.

I don't really have the confidence in my engineering skills to strip the clutch assembly and start drilling key components. Noting also that my bike is running beautifully, sounding normal (for a 961) and of pretty low mileage. I will watch/listen for any change in engine/clutch noise and remove the Primary Case over the next couple of services for a look see! A legitimate approach methinks, given the relatively low reported instances of these faults.

Thanks for your help mate.

Big bug bear with the 961 primary side for me is that it just sounds wrong, even when it’s right!

It makes diagnosing ’abnormal’ noises very difficult.
I cannot paste the direct link here, but I just saw a frightening example of a worn clutch basket on Facebook


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