Another Carb Thread - I'm Sorry

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Just to close the loop here - I put on a new set of premiers and all appears well (don't want to jinx it quite yet). Did not change anything else in my setup so was not an air leak. I am going to chalk this up to worn out slide or carb body - thank you to everyone for all of your help.
Just to close the loop here - I put on a new set of premiers and all appears well (don't want to jinx it quite yet). Did not change anything else in my setup so was not an air leak. I am going to chalk this up to worn out slide or carb body - thank you to everyone for all of your help.
Great to hear it’s resolved Eric and thanks for letting us know.


Many thanks Tom - I ordered a new set of Premieres. In the mean time I will remove the float bowl etc and give her one last go on all of these excellent recommendations and see if I can fix before the new carbs get here. If not, I should hopefully be all set anyway. The bike has around 12,000 miles on it so being worn makes sense to me.
I would not go by the mileage of 12,000 to say that an Amal carb is worn out. I would concentrate on the total number of unnecessary blips of the throttle while sitting at a stop light. It's kind of the same thing as "tickling" the carbs during startup. It is totally unnecessary to pump the ticklers up and down when all the button does is push down the float to let more gas into the float bowl. The whole problem (issue) seems to me that the bike is running like a piece of crap because it sat for a couple of years with fuel in the carbs and the idle jet(s) are plugged, causing people to keep blipping open the throttle over and over to keep the damn thing running. This will wear out the slides real quick. If the bike will not idle itself without constantly having to twist the throttle to keep it running, then (duh) there is something wrong. Plugged idle jets? Gee ya think so ??
As Mylar said " Here's to bugs in your teeth", or something close. Some are actually tasty too... No wasps please.
I would not go by the mileage of 12,000 to say that an Amal carb is worn out. I would concentrate on the total number of unnecessary blips of the throttle while sitting at a stop light. It's kind of the same thing as "tickling" the carbs during startup. It is totally unnecessary to pump the ticklers up and down when all the button does is push down the float to let more gas into the float bowl. The whole problem (issue) seems to me that the bike is running like a piece of crap because it sat for a couple of years with fuel in the carbs and the idle jet(s) are plugged, causing people to keep blipping open the throttle over and over to keep the damn thing running. This will wear out the slides real quick. If the bike will not idle itself without constantly having to twist the throttle to keep it running, then (duh) there is something wrong. Plugged idle jets? Gee ya think so ??

I don't think it's necessarily the mileage that matters other than to make the point that the carbs are not new. There is a significant amount of empirical evidence that says (not just from Nortons) that the composition of the metal from Amal carb bodies being the same as the slide material causes wear between the two pieces causing the ability for air to enter the venturi and wreak havoc on the idle system. In a wandering or inability to idle situation it could be that, or could be, to your point, that it sat and it is dirty. If you clean it out with the drill bit and it still doesn't fix it then you can take the carb off and clean it and then you can drill out the other side of the air screw in the carb and try and clean it. Or you could buy new carbs too, if you don't want to do that. I guess I don't even understand your point - is it that most worn out Amal carbs are because people are idiots blipping the throttle because they don't know their carbs are dirty? How does one "concentrate on the number of unnecessary blips" on a bike they just bought? I think mileage is a better guide and what you are saying isn't terribly constructive. Either way it sounds like you've got it all figured out.
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