piting our scouring is the issue , it just looks the fairly normal ' not right across ' mateing .
The cylinder must be croked

( Just KIDDING ) .
WHAT ' one ' should LOOK at ( also ) is the Cam Follower mateing face . If these are pretty well fine , its pretty well fine .
A carefull light stoneing , without rocking , going down to 1200 wt. paper , on glass .So your actually POLISHING them , isnt a bad idea .
Same trick on the cam too , paper on a straight flat thing , kept dead square / flat . rolling cam as you go .
The 4S with decent valve springs , shimmed to +40 thou on lift . 34 mm carbs , and knocking the baffles out

should see it chewing on H2s .
My humble opinion is the $s is the big base ( +20 thou heel ) 2S cam . Minus 20 thou on the heel . As in 2S lift profile +20 on the lift curve .
so with the overlap set about 3 - 4 deg btdc , and a kiwi Ign. that holds the advance down , you get a two stage cam .
You can be coarse 7 careless with the throttle below 3.000 rpm's .
above 3.500 you cant. above 4.000 its ' warp factor 6 scotty , if the throttle is on the stop . WFO is seldom required or used .
as ' count to ten ' & your doing 100 , if you dont forget to shift gear .
Can be a bit crankey & quick for in the city , but if youre touring / recreational rideing , and youd prefer a Spitfire to a Tiger Moth , go for it .
Std will pull better under 3000 , 4S cams up stonger past 4000 .Clutch gets vicious at 2000 , not quite sure what happens letting it in at 3000
but hang on tight if you try it . At about 40 with the 23 T. sprocket had to go for second to get sudden and serious acceleration .
Ran 32 Mk IIs , BSA Adv , 8.7 comp , 2S & W&S springs on the 750 . Told a XS 11 does 11s by a XSer , Told it wasnt as slow as the 11 others
( Commandos ) by the bloke that took it for a ' 20 minute ' :? . Not quite sure how far a experianced nortoneer
manadged , think it was 45 miles .