As I have said many times, My Alton has been bulletproof since Feb '13 when I received the updated alternator rotor from Alton. Based on MY experience, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one. My experience over 8 years is that it is 100% reliable.
I had a poor experience with a Boyer that was on my bike when I bought it in '06. I replaced it with the OEM ignition (points/AAU), which worked perfectly. That influences MY opinion of Boyer - I would not buy one or recommend one because MY EXPERIENCE is that they have a failure rate of 100%! Of course, just as with the Alton, that's not a scientifically accurate assessment of failure rate but it's difficult to disregard personal experience.
Frankly, there are so many variables involved with these types products and subsequent assessment that a scientifically objective evaluation is very difficult. An error made in installation may affect the results, even if the installation error is not directly related to the quality of the product itself. Additionally they are installed by folks with different levels of experience, different levels of care, different levels of tools, different levels of time and patience, different levels of drinking beers (or whatever) on the job,' etc.
AND, of course the more complex an aftermarket system is, the more chance there is to err in some way. IOW, there is a much better chance of screwing up the installation of an electric starter system than there is in installing an LED headlight.
If the same mechanic installed 10 Alton and 10 CNW E-starts on Commandos that were subjected to the same driving regimen afterwards, I'd say one could get a reasonable feel for reliability, ease of installation, etc. But a one time experience isn't worth much scientifically speaking.