Amal fuel port orientation


Apr 27, 2015
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The fuel line ports on amal carbs have 135 degree angle to them (or something like that) One port on each carb has to point at the other carb's fuel port so the connector fuel line can feed both carbs....

It seems like you can turn the ports either way, so the outside ports that go to the fuel tank can angle slightly forward or slightly backward. I think they work both ways. I have mine angled backward and I want to switch them. I'm wondering if anyone thinks it matters which way they face... thanks
Thanks John, I always faced them backwards and I was thinking about facing them forwards to give a little more space to change out the K&N air filter. I figured that asking if there was a reason why they needed to face a certain direction would be better than finding out the hard way...
While it should not matter what orientation you choose to use 135 degree banjos, Commando's came with single banjos on 750 and 180 banjo on 850.
Amal fuel port orientation