I think it’s the switch Bill so either going to replace over the winter or fit a relay.did you find where your issue is at.
I think it’s the switch Bill so either going to replace over the winter or fit a relay.
With a "starter solenoid", the solenoid converts electrical energy into a mechanical movement e.g. to engage a bendix.
A relay uses a solenoid to operate switch contacts, so that you can control a heavy current device i.e. starter motor, from a low current-rated handlebar switch.
Multi-meter very useful for checking for resistance in the wiring; sometimes pulling the connector can clear a dry joint and fix the issue, but better for diagnosis to check the wiring in situ first.
I will say it again, you need to load test the circuit NOT an ohm check as it will not show how much load the circuit is capable of. an easy test is to load the circuit with a headlight bulb or as i stated earlier pin it out with your meter on dc volts starting at either end of the circuit with everything connected to the circuit.
I will say it again, you need to load test the circuit NOT an ohm check
I have an Alton starter fitted for 3 years. I have used the spare button for the starter and a month or so ago It started to develop flat battery type symptoms. Also there was a delay from pressing button till it turned the motor.
I fitted a new battery but nothing changed.
I went through the wiring with a fine tooth comb and changed it to the horn switch. Mostly it works fine but yesterday halfway through a 300 mile ride it did the same. It was exactly as if the battery was not charging.
Kicked the bike to start no problem
After a lunch break the starter worked fine.
If I jump the starter solenoid positive (input) directly to the battery I have no issues.
I’m tempted to buy new switchgear but wondered what people’s thoughts were before another expense.
I’ve thoroughly cleaned the switchgear out.