Triton Thrasher said:
Why don't get yourself a bike and try these things, then report back with some interesting experience?
I've got no shortage of bikes !
And just had a genny rebuilt to suit a Model 7, stock at 6v natchelly.
With a LED bulb planned to try on it, along with the stock 35/35 6v bulb.
I was comparing notes with someone just recently, and we both commented we've never ridden most of our old bikes at night - ever. The local club organised some night rides, so folks could actually try them at night, but the days/times weren't very convenient ( at the time I was working evening shift). Apparently a few folks found their electrical system wasn't quite as robust as they thought.
The guy with the Velo with the Alton and the Cibie Halogen had excellent lights - and has done many 000's of miles with it..
BTW, the reason the gennies run at 12v need heavier wire is so that the wiring doesn't run hot,
and not heat the whole genny up, and keep the risk of melting the solder to a minimum...
Speaking of 3 phase field excited alternators (with brushes), I have fond memories of spraying wd40 into a squeaky alternator on my bike (non British, obviously), and then noticing the light getting progressively dimmer as it got back closer to home. Just made it home on the pilot light.
WD40 and alternator brushes would seem to be not compatible, a light filing is what is required....