The main thing I wondered about is if the spigots are removed, top side decked etc, that it'll work with the nice later cylinder head I have. I am confident it will from 'book learning', but reality can bite. I would like to run my stock concave pistons if possible. One cylinder looks fine, but the other is rusty.
I would actually prefer a liner on the bad cylinder to return it to the original bore if it can be properly done. That's a controversial subject too, as I've read. I'm running the cost/benefit analysis in my mind.
I think with a proper liner installation, with either a ridge left at the bottom to stop any movement or some other way at the top or bottom to ensure it stays put, it would be OK, but I don't know all the facts at this point. I'll call the shop soon. The guy I talked to said another fellow has lots of experience on Nortons, FWIW, but he's not been well. I am not in a hurry and learned long ago to not bug people too much, let them think about it (hopefully).
I have lots of other fishes to put in the pan for now, and I'll update when I get more info.