A reliable 961 starter motor? Calling all Hog Jockeys.

If you sell in Germany only as a bargain with no quality, you can close your shop in a short time.

That's turned to an advantage over here... They put: 'Closing Down Sale' in the window just to shift even more cheap tat.....
(But as a legal obligation there'll be: 'Better than a...' in miniscule script above the banner headline below)
That's turned to an advantage over here... They put: 'Closing Down Sale' in the window just to shift even more cheap tat.....
(But as a legal obligation there'll be: 'Better than a...' in miniscule script above the banner headline below)
Oh now I understand how can make SG so fast a lot of money and disapears with the money of other people and no one can kick him at the backsite.
In Germany you will be very fast in jail for this behavior. even if your name is SG.

The telling one for me is the Engineer title - in the UK anyone who can tell the difference between a stick and a screwdriver can call themselves an engineer whereas in Germany the title means something and importantly is respected. In UK industry if you are a brilliant engineer the only way to progress your career and income is to stop doing what you are good at and move into 'management'.
As a bit of a Germanophile that is so typically German. Just look at German TV adverts - they put someone in a white lab coat to explain the design and technical merits of the product - their favourite term is Profi. In the UK something will sell if it is a bargain price or discounted.....

Opened up the starter motor and there is a bit of corrosion but the brushes seem to be moving ok so still a bit unsure why the performance of the motor should have degraded. I'm going to wire up a different battery. Current one (pun intended) is about 2 years old so I might just test for volt drop in the connectors. Interesting comment in the video above ref the voltage drop when cranking, the solenoid starts to drop out and the contacts bounce and arc. I assume the HD batteries are about the same size and spec as the 961?
I assume the HD batteries are about the same size and spec as the 961?

No , They are larger .
Hence building an awesome tank of a bike with cheap shit minor components on the 961. Penny wise and pound foolish. Proved Panetone's point.
Well this rather explains why the starter wasn't performing as well as it should. Still trying to source a new starter but may look at some new brushes to keep me going. Apparently it's a Hitachi starter? Or maybe a starter influenced by the design of a Hitachi starter.....
A reliable 961 starter motor? Calling all Hog Jockeys.
So another knock off copy fitted instead of the proper part. Look at the zinc plating or lack of on the mounting plate.
All the HD starters I can find seem to be black finished. How come we have a silver version - I can't imagine a custom run of silver finish from NipponDenso?
All the HD starters I can find seem to be black finished. How come we have a silver version - I can't imagine a custom run of silver finish from NipponDenso?
I'm pretty sure that the starter is the same as CNW supply in their starter kit for the pre '75 Commando's. they are available in black or chrome. Maybe worth dropping Matt a line ?

Black def best IMHO, it hides it more, kinda blends into the background more.
I don't think my 961CR understands the phrase 'blends into the background' ;)

For the main part I agree - it's just the end casting which bolts onto the crankcase which might not look right. Still struggling to find an original HD starter in the UK though. I am modifying some brushes (can't find exact size!) and soldering them back in to keep me going. Just typical in this nice weather as the Kwacker is in for fettling ready for the track so back to two wheels with two leg power.....
Got my replacement brushes machined up and soldered in which, was a bit tricky trying to get a soldering iron with enough capacity to do the job and be small enough to fit in, but put it all together and it spun up and started the bike like never before. If I didn't have a replacement on order I'd make it a bit more permanent and be quite confident about the fix. So a nice ride into work this morning (as good as it can be for Birmingham) Yeahh!
Got my replacement brushes machined up and soldered in which, was a bit tricky trying to get a soldering iron with enough capacity to do the job and be small enough to fit in, but put it all together and it spun up and started the bike like never before. If I didn't have a replacement on order I'd make it a bit more permanent and be quite confident about the fix. So a nice ride into work this morning (as good as it can be for Birmingham) Yeahh!
Good news Clive, but that's interesting as you'd think the resistance of any brushes would be negligible. I know yours were cracked (weird) but surely they were still passing current?