A long way off, AMCA show and swap meet in Texas


Sep 15, 2014
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The Cherokee chapter of the AMCA is having a show and swap next April, yes 10 months away. It will be in Fredericksburg at the county fairgrounds. As more info becomes available I will post it.

John in Texas
The "Harvest Classic", a European bike rally , is held every year in late October right down the road in Luckenbach, Texas.
October is going to be a very busy month. September 30th is the Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride held all over the world.
October 11 to the 14th is the NTNOA Lake of the Pines Rally in Jefferson Texas and as you said the Harvest Classic October 19 to 21. Hope to have my Trojan Mini Motor fitter to a bicycle for that.
At DriftlessAMCA road run this week, Stanley from Cherokee promoted the event.
Only 2 Nortons ; 90% Harley/Indian; didn't see any foreign bikes break down.
Fredericksburg is beautiful area, maybe we can make it down from WI.
I have already made room reservations, I think it will be a fun time.
The following week there is a AMCA road run out of Kerrville which is about 20 miles from Fredericksburg. You can check the AMCA Cherokee chapters web site for more details.
John in Texas