a kiwi question about wheels

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yeah i expect theres quite a lot. i know of around ten near me, though never really get them in at work. i do plenty of wofs on old bikes as the boss isnt keen on right foot change. done a 39 bsa and a 59 vespa this week, and ive got a set of forks to do on a 53 golden flash that the original owner rode in on today.
im starting to think all the commies are in bits in peoples garages
Mines still in bits in my garage....

well in the garage, under the bed, under my desk at work. Almost got all the bit I need. Still havent decided on wheels though, I want to go valanced 18 but have to decide on keeping the front drum or finding a disc brake slider and going that way
Not so flibity, there was plenty of C'do's at this years NZ NOC Rally and AGM in January. Next years is in Collingwood , top of South Island , first few days of Feb 2013

Yes I am one of the very few that turns up at Classic bike meets in the North Island on my Roadster , next year will see a change though as Bike # 2 is nearing completion and should be ready to go in Feb 2013

Regards Mike
Brooking 850 said:
Not so flibity, there was plenty of C'do's at this years NZ NOC Rally and AGM in January. Next years is in Collingwood , top of South Island , first few days of Feb 2013

Yes I am one of the very few that turns up at Classic bike meets in the North Island on my Roadster , next year will see a change though as Bike # 2 is nearing completion and should be ready to go in Feb 2013

Regards Mike

So you have entered for the Festival ? I did that last year and as soon as you do that progress just happens.....looking forward to seeing Bike #2.

I have been riding mine to work this week......makes a nice change from the BMW. :D
Given the length of time this thread has been going the following is probably redundant, but I used Tom Morris to rebuild my wheels and was generally very happy with what he did. If I used him again there is one matter that I would raise with him. He sent the hubs out to be polished, and we agreed that as it was impossible to polish the centre of the front drum because of the fins on it, that would be blasted. The blasters must have used some reasonably aggressive blasting material, as the fins had been taken down a bit; not a major but a slightly gentler blasting medium would have been better.

i elected to purchase new alloy rims from him rather than rechrome and reuse the originals, and swapped from a 19 inch rear rim to an 18 inch rear. Although I really like them, I am now not sure that I would do that again; the usual debate about keeping originality vs customisation.
My hubs came back from Hamco Industries well polished and clean, (not high bling type polish though as it is for a track bike)no issue with that.
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