A Good Ride NOT Spoiled

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Dec 5, 2017
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Seems I'm getting this bike sorted proper. Had the new premiers apart yet again to go through the jets, trying to resolve lumpy idle, drifting idle etc.
Seems to have been sucessful as today it ran pretty well. Carb balance still seemed good after re'checking via carbtune sync tool. Idle was no longer dipping from 1k set point down to 5-800 range at random times and stayed put pretty much whole day of riding. Only after a good solid 85+ miles, riding home, did I see a new idle point around 800 when in town, so stopped to tweak the slide stop screws a little. Not sure why needed. Perhaps the new head valve train is bedding in some (<1000 miles on it).
Only other fault today was finding a vibrationally loosened rear turn lamp rotated downward.
Torry , I have always set mine at 1100 rpm idle , maybe if try it will stick as mine has for many years , rarely do I reach down to adjust …. no cost experiment and I know love finding out …
I have a new TriSpark EI not yet fitted as Mr, Marsh's price point just to good to pass up. Now that most issues seem better still running the Wassell EI I'm hesitant to swap it out. Time to enjoy some riding for immediate future me thinks.
Nothing I've done to my Norton had a bigger impact on ease of starting and a stable idle than installing a TriSpark. It really works. Just be sure that your grounds are flawless.
Wassell EI..... The only cheap item I've ever purchased which has not made me regret the doing it.... Keep on keeping on and your beast shall be perfect.
One thing I recall happen yesterday, first tickle of day, right side was fine, flooding out within 5-10 seconds, but left side much longer, like 30+ seconds. This after just completing complete strip down of carbs and bowls. At next tickle hours later, it was back to normal few seconds. Perhaps first bowl filling after petcock open had not completed before that first tickle. Will need to keep eye on it.

I think I will put TriSpark EI off for now as i've had so little riding so far this year, just test rides followed by more long hours of fettling and frustration. Gotta get some miles with smiles for a bit.
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