Yes, it's longer than the early revision....but it's a perfect fit, gives a bigger filtration area and is just MUCH better quality than the original shite.
I sell the BMC at just under £90.
The most common model I fit them into is the Dominator, due to their original filters being contaminated by a wet sump situation. The Commandos don't tend to soak their airfilters in that same situation.
The fanciest 961 filter was the final revision. It had a similar filter medium to the bmc albeit dry, with black anodised ends, with Norton engraved on one end. Those were produced by Micromesh...and they actually own the rights to the design. They'd happily make them for me, but the MOQ meant it would have cost me over £5k. They were that nicely made, that my apprentice at Norton was cutting the end caps with the Norton engraving off the old filters, to make a coaster set