Talking off ' flash readings ' . a device set up for optimum output will generally go through a few phaseing cycles
in the mechanisms . Therefore the output after half a minut or more may be somewhat differant from ' putting it there '
at a certain rpm's .
Noteably the dvice may have to work through the series of phases to achive the optimum pressure cycling configuration .
Believe it or not .
As in , some things'll whistle up to max , and stop . Some things'l jusut keep winding up quitely ( :lol: :shock: )
when you get there. Well , not actually QUITELY , except in manner .
RIGHt , the 4 valve . All these B.M.E.P.s presumably generate the output . But there NOT whats breaking the Crankshafts ? ? ?
What is then , the irregular rotational velocitie & causes .
(as a aside , the Torsional DAMPENER on straight sixes is of some intrest . Alledgedlly the torsional forces in those and straight eights will tear the crank apart , without the ' Torsional Dampener ' Which is a Dampening FLYWHEEL . Vis ,
Turkey Raceing the Mighty 265 3 speed ( manual ) Charger . " The Flywheel came off. I tried better bolts . I Tried Dowleing .
I tried Bigger Bolts . I tried Bigger Bolts And Dowleing . It Came Off . I almost tried welding it on .Tried Shrink Fit .
& other things .
Tried a 350 Chev Race Harmonic Balancer .It Worked . Even with Standard Bots ( to the Flywheel ) .Didnt Come Off . )
Therefore I summise that a Remote Flywheel ( in Part ) in the manner of , or even Just Flogging one . A GOOD QUALITY
aftermarket Harmonic Balancer , affixed about there . Where the oil goes in , or adjacent the sprocket , could well transform a few issues . If were lucky .

and an old iron flywheel wasnt obsolecent with the Sopwith Camel . ? ?
OBVIOUSLY for a ' Bench Test ' it wouldnt be to hard to nail one on adjacent the sprocket .Just need a trench dug on the raceing line for ground Clearance . :lol: