75 Mk III Electrical-Warning Light Control Unit

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Does the Canadian assimilator [refer to photo in post #8] still function correctly with the 06-6395 ignition switch?

I couldn't say.

Are Canadian model console decals still available?

Were they ever? I'm not aware of a Canadian model decal or why there would be one as it only has "IGNITION OFF".
"Off" is the same key position for both switches. There's no Canadian console decal listed in the Mk3 parts book, Group 32, although the Canadian ignition switch is (Group 31).

Did Norton [or local dealers] fit the Canadian assimilator for US States which had enacted "Head Light On" laws during that time frame? Current US motorcycle laws are linked below:

It is a possibility that some of the so-called Canadian models were sold in the US for that reason although I'm not aware of the headlight having to come on with ignition rule in any US states until around '78 so a bit late for the Commando but something I don't have much knowledge of as I don't live there and thought you'd know more about that than me. ;)
Were they ever? I'm not aware of a Canadian model decal or why there would be one as it only has "IGNITION OFF".
"Off" is the same key position for both switches. There's no Canadian console decal listed in the Mk3 parts book, Group 32, although the Canadian ignition switch is (Group 31).
Am I still not understanding the Canadian model? The red warning lamp is for "light control" rather than alternator output. [Note 1 on the schematic] Would the decal not have been modified to denote that?
snipped There's no Canadian console decal listed in the Mk3 parts book, Group 32, although the Canadian ignition switch is (Group 31).
Your reference to Group 31 is to the original printed parts catalog. There is no listing for the Canadian ignition switch [06-6625] on Andover Norton's web site. As I posted earlier, they supersede all other ignition switch part numbers to the 06-6395 ignition switch.
The red warning lamp is for "light control" rather than alternator output. [Note 1 on the schematic] Would the decal not have been modified to denote that?

Nevertheless, it functions as an ignition warning light as it comes on when the ignition is switched on.

In the J9 "Canadian Master switch Modes and Functions", Functions section, it is referred to as an "Ignition Warning Light" and "Ignition warning light varies inversely with speed" therefore if brightness varies inversely with engine speed which seems to be what it is supposed to say then that would give an indication of alternator output.

There is no listing for the Canadian ignition switch [06-6625] on Andover Norton's web site. As I posted earlier, they supersede all other ignition switch part numbers to the 06-6395 ignition switch.

As far as I know, the Canadian function ignition switch (or modern equivalent) is unavailable so AN sells the standard ignition switch although it's not the correct part.
I have cleaned and reassembled the right hand handlebar switch controls and are a little wary of them (old and brittle, missing spring for BB) but seams like were stuck because I need it to hold on the master cylinder I just rebuilt? If it weren't for that we would consider buying new switches as they don't seem very expensive. Maybe there are other alternatives?
Sparx makes replica Mk III handlebar switches. They look [other than the name Sparx on them] and wire up identically. Owners who want to retain originality, graft the Sparx internals and wiring into the original [Lucas?] switch housings. The availability of these switches tends to be intermittent. FYI, the link below price is in Australian dollars, not US. It's simply the first link to this product I found.

Sparx T-140 & Mk III Right Switch assembly
Sparx switches were on sale at norvil for 1/3 the price you linked to. I got 2
I have only needed to get some if the bike is dropped and it breaks the delicate metric throttle mount.

If I'm correct this is the mission...

Regular assimilator
red light on means =
1 ignition switch is on
2 charging system is NOT up to adequate voltage. whether engine running or not...

Canadian assimilator automatic headlight control
1. If ignition is on
2 if engine running
then automatically
3 headlight becomes lit
If engine stops then headlight goes out. The alternator output controls on/off
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