74 Commando Interstate muffler brackets

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Oct 18, 2013
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I am finally at the point of installing the exhaust system on My 74 Commando 850 Interstate I seem to be baffled as to how the hanger brackets got together with the isolastics and foot pegs . Can anyone give me some guidance and or a picture of what the mounting brackets look like together I have the service manual and parts book but the brackets they show don't look like the brackets I have.
Which particular "Interstate" mufflers? 'Cigar' or 'annular discharge' (bean can/black cap)?
Which silencers are you fitting, black cap or pea shooter as the brackets are different.
This is what it looks like with peashooters.


  • 74 Commando Interstate muffler brackets
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So my brackets are all triangular in shape which is what the manual shows more like the first picture The second picture has a rectangular one that doesn't appear like mine?

yes just like that have you got a picture of the brackets
Ok just checked those are the brackets I have they dont seem to go together the way the manual depicts?
Drummer99 said:
So my brackets are all triangular in shape which is what the manual shows more like the first picture The second picture has a rectangular one that doesn't appear like mine?

yes just like that have you got a picture of the brackets

The second drawing on the Andover site (I assume you are referring to this?) is the peashooter exhaust setup.
Drummer99 said:
Ok just checked those are the brackets I have they dont seem to go together the way the manual depicts?

Which ones are the ones you have? Like 9, 10, 12(x2) also 23(x2) on the Andover site? If so these are right, and look at the lower pic I posted above - with the red arrow on it.

Note that the 12 and 23 brackets go on the same way for both types of exhaust, which you can see better in my top picture - it is just the large plate that is different.
Drummer99 said:
Ok just checked those are the brackets I have they dont seem to go together the way the manual depicts?

They are not exactly drawn correctly in either the manual or the parts diagram, however, the assembly can only be fitted together one way.
These are the silencer/muffler brackets so are the two outer brackets that attach to the muffler by the two holes in the plate which are closest together.

74 Commando Interstate muffler brackets

74 Commando Interstate muffler brackets

Inner plate. The three 3/8" holes are the Z-plate passenger mounting holes and the two 5/16" holes are for the AV mounts.
74 Commando Interstate muffler brackets
Yes these are the brackets I have I will follow your picture to fit them together
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