69 commando primary noise

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Dec 29, 2013
my 69 commando makes alot of noise in the primary i recently put new clutch in rode it down the road and noticed i could hear it while riding if i listened close. i have yet to pull the cover could it be a stretched chain? i pulled the cover looks like the clutch basket is wobbling is this from a bad basket? seems to be worse when i depress clutch. but what is the horrible noise? and is this what could cause noise? rubbing on the cover? here is a video if anyone could be be assistance thanks.
Was it making noise before you put the new clutch in? Did you inspect closely things (like the basket bearing) when you were in there?
i dont believe it was as far as i can remember. i went in to put a new crank seal and seal te primary nd went ahead and put a clutch in. i dont revall leaving any shims out or anything
Did you replace the clutch locating circlip that sits on the mainshaft? I believe these ought to be replaced every time you take the clutch out (?), anyway they can get quite mashed and allow the back of the clutch basket to rub on the inner primary chaincase, making a grinding noise. DAMHIK ...
Better recheck all the parts in that clutch basket including the spacers and bearings.

The circlip behind the clutch locating washer can be replaced with #15 shown here http://www.oldbritts.com/nor_mk3_75_12.html part 06-8072
This is a much beefier clip and does a good job. Sharp edge facing gearbox.
Fit that new MK 111 type starter circlip. Yours is crushed , they all are. The circlip is slightly too thick for the slot and you will need to thin it to tap into place home. Use a flat surface with emery paper to swirl it around to thin. Do this a few times until it taps in tight. Tighten the clutch nut to 40 lbs. , not the higher manual specs. Discard the soft tab washer here and use a Belleville type with a dab of blue locktite to the cleaned (with brake cleaner spray... ventilated area) clutch nut and shaft threads.. consider the Dyno Dave main shaft seal whilst in there.
In the video, the clutch pushrod adjuster seems screwed in too far as I would normally expect to see the adjuster protruding from the locknut by a couple of turns which suggests something might not be assembled correctly.

69 commando primary noise

The rotor seems too far inside the stator and the stator should be fitted with the wires on the outside at the 5 o'clock position, away from the primary chain.

Section C34,25.

69 commando primary noise
i dont believe it was as far as i can remember. i went in to put a new crank seal and seal te primary nd went ahead and put a clutch in. i dont revall leaving any shims out or anything
Go back, as mentioned below, and re-check your work. Use exploded parts diagrams to help. 40 ft. Lbs.
Better recheck all the parts in that clutch basket including the spacers and bearings.

The circlip behind the clutch locating washer can be replaced with #15 shown here http://www.oldbritts.com/nor_mk3_75_12.html part 06-8072
This is a much beefier clip and does a good job. Sharp edge facing gearbox.

Also, springboarding off LAB's observation of the adjuster screw position, possible the shouldered spacer that goes over the circlip is reversed.
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