64 BSA Cyclone competition

Dec 30, 2003
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Need some advise on ignition. '64 Cyclone Competition (A50 twin carb made '64 and '65) originally came with ET ignition (off road bike), however a previous owner has converted to a non-encapsulated three wire alternator and I have Lucas 4CA points plate. I intend to run a 12V system. Should I use 12V coils or 6V with balast resistor? There are no coils with it now, so have to acquire either way. Prefer to keep everything 60s period Lucas.


I would suggest since you are buying from scratch that you use two 6 volt coils and a ballast resistor, that way if at a later date you opt to swap to one of the electronic ignitions available on the market place, you will already have the appropriate coils, since most of them run with coils in series on a lost spark system.
64 BSA Cyclone photo

I'm trying the photo paste. This is the '64 BSA Cyclone competition in progress.

64 BSA Cyclone competition
