50 years of Commando article...

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Ok, so I told James that some were deducing from his article that he was unimpressed with the 961. His response was pretty clear:

“On the contrary, I thought it was great”!

The caveat being:

“It isn’t in any way a sensible or practical proposition, but it is GREAT fun, and if that’s what you want, it is the bike for you”.

Which I think sums up my own feeling too. As I said already, if I did 30,000 miles a year I’d have kept the Beemer for sure. I do relatively few miles a year, all of them leisure miles, and I want as much fun out of every one of those miles as I can.

Different horses for different courses I guess.
A review is just one person's opinions, complete with all of their pre-conceived conclusions.
At least he seems to give an honest look.
Most of the stuff written today is just rah rah- buy it now! Its been that way forever.

If you or I were to climb on one of his prewar bikes and actually try to ride it somewhere ....you can imagine what that honest review would look like!

So you have to take it all with a giant grain of salt
I mean really, a BMW r9T is anemic but a 1936 BSA ( pick any prewar here) is a quick stopping , sharp handling, exciting powerhouse?

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Spot on Nigel, can I get my copy Autographed !!?

A 1936 BSA on 1936 roads is a prospect that I would like to get a chance to try!
On 2018 roads the experience gets old in a hurry. Like when you have a loaded semi with its huge grill filling up your mirror and airhorn blasting " get the f out of the way" as you struggle up another hill. Then there is the bone jarring impact as the rigid rear wheel falls into another pothole...
Fortunately, it ends prematurely when the old iron head engine seizes near the top of the hill....
Been there:)
On 2018 roads the experience gets old in a hurry. Like when you have a loaded semi with its huge grill filling up your mirror and airhorn blasting " get the f out of the way" as you struggle up another hill. Then there is the bone jarring impact as the rigid rear wheel falls into another pothole...
Fortunately, it ends prematurely when the old iron head engine seizes near the top of the hill....
Been there:)

Why do think the optional rocket launchers on the BSA side valve in a james bond story point backwards?
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