5 Miles on Reserve?

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When I test ride customer bikes with them, I'm always annoyed. The markings are usually poor, and I need reading glasses to read them. I suppose if I had them on my own bikes, I would remember which is which.

They might make sense to me on a tank with a different tunnel; but, with a Norton tank two petcocks with no standpipe lets you use either side as main and the other as reserve, and if you're really hauling a.., both to keep the flow going.

Also, a couple of blocks before the end of every ride, I turn the petcock(s) off so the bowls are nearly empty when I put the bike away - I don't want to fiddle with figuring out petcocks while riding.
It's a shame those taps don't have the outlet pointing down.... then they could be mounted so both taps forward would be off, both rearward reserve (or vice versa)...
I usually find changing on the go isn't too much of a problem, if the engine doesn't pick up you've turned it the wrong way :-)
It's a shame those taps don't have the outlet pointing down.... then they could be mounted so both taps forward would be off, both rearward reserve (or vice versa)...
I usually find changing on the go isn't too much of a problem, if the engine doesn't pick up you've turned it the wrong way :)

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