4th of July

Happy Independence Day to the other colonials out there, even though not much really happened on 4 July 1776.
I found slight irony in riding an English bike to work this morning with a union jack on my helmet on the day Americans celebrate their independence from England. One of my early ancestors was killed by Redcoats at Lexington in April 1775, but no hard feelings. My first ancestor fought the Indians and French for England.
We revere the Statue of Liberty that was a gift from France, but we were too cheap to build a platform for it for 20 years.
Later we will have fireworks displays (probably from China). I have my American flag up (made in the USA; hard to find one nowadays). We Yanks joined up with England for WW1 (for reasons nobody can explain to me but my Grandfather joined up for the U.S. Navy anyway) then we went to bat for England in WW2 (and my father volunteered for the U. S. Army as soon as he was old enough).
For my generation, Britain gave us the youth culture, mini skirts and a lot of the great music of the '60s and '70s, cool sports cars and great motorcycles. No hard feelings. Even for burning down Washington in 1812. Even for Lucas electrics.
Now after doing yardwork in 95 degree heat, I think I'll take a nap. Later, grill some dead cow meat for the dog and me.
For my brothers in the South, my ancestors were Yankees but mostly farmers and sat out the Civil War. Peace.
Well said.

Like many Americans, my ancestry goes to a dozen different countries, though a small part is English. In fact, a man bearing my name was the knight who slew Thomas Becket, making him a saint. Norman scum!

Happy fourth!
My mother did her family geneology a long time ago. First ancestors came over to Massacusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s as indentured servants. I think this was during the English civil war when many peasants were desperate for a better life.
HumpF, likely after this generation it will only be known as FireFall Day, as title used on TV commercials by the major global INC's and public service announcements. The French carried enough salt to preserve fish off shore packing em on board but the cheap English dried em on land so got them more a toe hold on land. The American colonies did not exactly win their part of the global war King George was waging and The King kept troops in Norther states some years past end of army fighting. But the King was also under great pressure from The Crown Banksters in The City of London, which is no more a part of England than Vatican is in Italy or Washingtion DC inside The United States of America. It was The Crown Banksters that said if their bank charter was not renewed they'd give King George the loaned usury money to kick America's ass and that is what happened with our archives destroyed and stuck with another 20 yrs of sinister money changers. Technically, lawfully, legally and historically The United States of America ceased to function in 1861 when the Southern states withdrew from Congress and no date reset to meet again. The US of America still exist though and there still are American state Nationals running about, like me. Went out and answered the shots and fireworks going off even in deep woods. Thank goodness I didn't freeze my feet off to the bone and get taken out by sword or infection during Revolution. Much as Washington fought the King he wasn't exactly the completely patriotic icon school books picture ordering a flag from Betsy Ross.

4th of July

Well its sure has influenced the price of parts and where they come from, so same as asking what 4th of July has to do with Commandos, mixing of Union Jack with horizontal bars and stripes? The winners of wars get to push their version of his-story so easy to be confused. So far as I can glean the only ones that make out like bandits from major wars are the banksters and their business partners.
Happy Independence day to all our American Cousins.
It is your celebration and I personally respect that.
have a good day all.
"then we went to bat for England in WW2"

That might be the John Wayne movie version of events, but history recorded that the antiwar sentiment in the US was so strong in WW2 that FDR could not overcome it. War raged on for two years until finally Japan bombed the US in Pearl Harbour, then Japan and Germany both immediately declared war on the US. It wasnt a case of going to bat for England, it was a response to an attack and two declarations of war!
Ludwig, I was being mostly tongue in cheek. We Americans celebrate the 4th of July as some major patriotic event; in particular prematurely declaring our independence from England (which took another 4 years). So here I am, an American, enjoying my English bike and displaying the Union Jack on my helmet as I go past a parade filled with American flags. It is ancient history now, but I am a history buff and grew up in the part of the US where the Revolution started and where there are monuments to the heroes and battles of the Revolution.
It is a different world, now. Few veterans of WW2 are still alive to remember the horrors, and the Cold War is over. Now, with the internet, we live in a global community without borders. We form bonds with people all over the world, many of whom we never get to meet in person, who share common interests (like Nortons), which is something I think we should cherish and celebrate.
Geeze Louise dudes, motorcycles are my relief from global reality and its depressing to angering to read people unknowingly repeating the false history facts put out by the conquering evil ones. The Titanic was build to sink with all the major opponents to Federal Reserve on board and was actually the repainted Columbia ship that was damaged so extra sweet evil to get the insurance pay off on something that was trashed to begin with. As stated the American people at large did not want to go to war for others interests in WWII, so FDR set up Japan to attack and moved what he wanted to keep out to sea while sacrificing the 4-5000 killed in Hawaii. It hurts a lot to crack up on cycles and through programed beliefs. I am left crying deep inside for a few decades over this stuff and caution with a red or blue pill warning.

http://www.titanicuniverse.com/the-tita ... theory/124
https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab& ... 40&bih=340

https://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab& ... =p&pdl=300
christulin said:
.... Now, with the internet, we live in a global community without borders. We form bonds with people all over the world, many of whom we never get to meet in person, who share common interests (like Nortons), which is something I think we should cherish and celebrate.

And ... you see ... that's the bit that scares the crap out of some of the "powers-that-be". Just imagine if Che Guevara had posted his Norton adventure (The Motorcycle Diaries story) on this site: What would the effect on the perception of the cold-war, Cuba, etc. have been? Would it even have happened?
Corona850 said:
christulin said:
.... Now, with the internet, we live in a global community without borders. We form bonds with people all over the world, many of whom we never get to meet in person, who share common interests (like Nortons), which is something I think we should cherish and celebrate.

And ... you see ... that's the bit that scares the crap out of some of the "powers-that-be". Just imagine if Che Guevara had posted his Norton adventure (The Motorcycle Diaries story) on this site: What would the effect on the perception of the cold-war, Cuba, etc. have been? Would it even have happened?

yep, imagine the additional funds (for NORTON parts and improvements) we would all have available if we weren't wasting it keeping the 1% rich and powerful!