Hi Matt,
hope you are well, thanks for the great comments
its absolutley cracking to see a 16 year old with a norton its up to us young'ns to keep the flame alive for the nortons long after the older generation are in there coffins

so we must learn everything we can so we can show our kids about them and keep the bikes in fine fettle
knollege will come with time best you are so excited about coming up to riding age I had a yamaha rd 350 lc as my first project with my dad absolutely loved what I learnt on that bike still got it along with my own concours LC.
the workshop manual for the commando is amazing and especially the noc technical digest read them as well jammed packed full of information and the forum of course
commando is my over fav norton

really sweet bikes and our british bikes are brilliant to learn the fundamentals on and the mechanics are the same on a fireblade but you have a injector controlled by a computer box rather than a carb and a few more valves
bit of an update on the bike
got the side cover looking amazing and the gearbox after 3 days sollid graft on the bike and in about a minuite dad ruined it lol all the finish is tarnished the paints came of the barrel who says old people know best

last time hes gettin left alone with it haha
on a plus side just working out spanners and sockets to take the head of to get to the bottom of this noise and get it aqua blasted and cleaned up as with loads of effort its still not coming up plus my uncle did his back in the day so thats deffo next step just gonna save up a little bit of dosh over the next week or two incase theres something that needs replacing in the head going to check the cam followers and the cam out to and repaint the barrel as its in much need of it now haha
also got plans on a sleeved down maney barrel and a better head at a later date but standard will do for now also going to strip the chassis to powdercoat the frame as its flaked of in some parts Id paint it but seing its going to be ridden alot powdercoat will be a little more hard wearing plus its what the prev owner put on it
so order of attack now is
remove and aqua blast head - inspect valves and springs and really have a close look at the valve guides replace cam followers if need be inspect cam
repaint barrel - know the bore is really good as it was done by the previous owner
put engine back together -
then strip front end of and gearbox out re powdercoat frame and swinging arm so its sparkly fresh
refit front end engine gearbox etc
save up then buy the left hand side exhaust and manifolds for both sides
belt drive ellecy ignition and twin amals
rebuild smiths clocks as the faces are really worn
repaint and finish original tank with badges take lots of pictures haha
then rebuild forks so shes ridable then shelve all the original tinware to protect it while I enjoy the bike
some better rods and barrel same crack again keeping the originals mint and boxed up
finish riding it and put it all back to standard