1975 Commando Mk3 lifting handle

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Chris, The centre stand has a high trajectory and that’s the basic cause of the problem. With my Fastback loaded with panniers and tent I found it very difficult to get it on to the stand. The solution was a custom made lifting handle. It’s positioned on the down-tube so as to clear the panniers when in ‘lifting mode’ and tucks away when not in use. I see that you live in Medway. I’ll be riding the bike down from Chester to the NOC Rally in Kent 15-18th September if you would like to have a close-up look
Chris, The centre stand has a high trajectory and that’s the basic cause of the problem. With my Fastback loaded with panniers and tent I found it very difficult to get it on to the stand. The solution was a custom made lifting handle. It’s positioned on the down-tube so as to clear the panniers when in ‘lifting mode’ and tucks away when not in use. I see that you live in Medway. I’ll be riding the bike down from Chester to the NOC Rally in Kent 15-18th September if you would like to have a close-up look
Pictures please!
How do these grab rail/lifting handles from Andover bolt up to a norton?
I couldn't find a photo of one attached.
Hole through the fender, clamped on loop tube, vertically down to Z-plate ?
1975 Commando Mk3 lifting handle
1975 Commando Mk3 lifting handle
I've not seen one on a commando but a lot of people just bolt a pillion footrest upside down on the top shock absorber mount

That's exactly what I did, used a T160 rear peg as they are stronger than the Commando rears. It's no prob for me as the bike has a Corbin seat so doesn't use the shock mounts to hold the seat.
Pre-Commando, no?

Thank You, I assumed it attached to fender but wasn't sure.
Might work on commandos, bend to fit sort of thing.
Wouldn't look all that bad with one installed on each side to my eye.

1975 Commando Mk3 lifting handle
Pictures please!

I have some pictures on my camera roll but can’t work out how to post them on the forum. Any suggestions!?
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Thanks for the pictures.Not meaning to be ignorant but how is it attached?Is it a 2 piece assembly?
Sorry for delay. Basically there's a clamp, drilled one side and tapped the other, that goes around the frame tube. A piece of metal with a pivot hole is welded to the clamp. A length of round steel bar forms the handle that pivots on the piece of welded metal. Hope this makes the pictures more meaningful.
Sorry for delay. Basically there's a clamp, drilled one side and tapped the other, that goes around the frame tube. A piece of metal with a pivot hole is welded to the clamp. A length of round steel bar forms the handle that pivots on the piece of welded metal. Hope this makes the pictures more meaningful.
Thanks for the reply.If I am understanding you,it is a split piece of tubing that is held together by the one socket screw above the handle.Am I correct? I understand the handle but could not see how the whole unit attaches
Thanks again,
Thanks for the reply.If I am understanding you,it is a split piece of tubing that is held together by the one socket screw above the handle.Am I correct? I understand the handle but could not see how the whole unit attaches
Thanks again,
Mike, You are correct. Also I put some adhesive tape on the down tube to protect the frame where the clamp/ split piece of tubing fits on. As i mentioned earlier I will be attending the NOC National Rally at Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BX on the Norton from 15th-18th September.
Wearing the "right" shoes or boots makes a big difference - need strong soles.
I bit of rearward motion of the bike just prior to deploying the main stand helps, in addition to the above mentioned things.
I put all of my weight on the center stand cam and rock the bike rearward with the handlebar while steadying it with the passenger grab handle. No need to lift the bike.

As mentioned previously, make sure both feet of the stand are contacting the ground under the bike.
Mike, You are correct. Also I put some adhesive tape on the down tube to protect the frame where the clamp/ split piece of tubing fits on. As i mentioned earlier I will be attending the NOC National Rally at Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BX on the Norton from 15th-18th September.
Thanks for getting back to me. I am going to use your set-up in the near future.The rally you are going to is a little far for me to attend as I live in North Carolina here in the states.Have a great time and post some pictures
Thanks again,
Thanks for getting back to me. I am going to use your set-up in the near future.The rally you are going to is a little far for me to attend as I live in North Carolina here in the states.Have a great time and post some pictures
Thanks again,
Mike, Yes…bit of a hike from N. Carolina ! I was confusing your post with another from a resident of Kent. By chance I’m familiar with your great state having spent a lot of time in the 70s/ 80s in Winston-Salem. Good luck with the handle and give me a shout if I can help further. RR
Mike, Yes…bit of a hike from N. Carolina ! I was confusing your post with another from a resident of Kent. By chance I’m familiar with your great state having spent a lot of time in the 70s/ 80s in Winston-Salem. Good luck with the handle and give me a shout if I can help further. RR
Thank you
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