1971 750 Commandodo not start

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the only thing that should wear out in boyahs are the composite trigger plate slots that clamp in place and of course its trigger leads if not tamed from internal copper fractures. Glad you got joy again after all the renewed parts to enjoy just being a pleased pilot but none us us learned what the real issue was. Its sometimes been like that for me too so was hoping for more nailed down revealation to remember. Enjoy wearing out something else like tires and oil.
Now the bike starts and ride very well but i really dont know what the real iussue was!
Old Boyer????
There is a way to check this Boyer I.E.?
I would like to fit on BSA Lightning!
My 850 with single Mk2 Amal 32mm and Boyer starts 1st kick but it is easy to flood if not kicked hard enough, will then not fire until plugs dried, then starts 1st kick!
Also floods if taps left on for any length of time, then will not fire when kicked.
When started runs perfectly.
As said before, if battery low, can be hard to start and does not run well.

I know it's all been said, just personal experience! :)
Here i am again!
The  left spark plug seems to go to ground: it fire not against the electrode but on the circular sides.
Pazon and the two 6V PVL coils are new, like the spaks.
What happens now?
What should I check now?
pierodn said:
The  left spark plug seems to go to ground: it fire not against the electrode but on the circular sides.

What happens now?

Change the spark plug.
+1 L.A.B

I know when I was trying to sort out my Carb and/or electrical problems I switched to Iridium plugs because they were less prone to foul out. Once you get squared up switch back to your plug of choice. Downside plugs are costly.

and tank you.
Yes, i can change the spark but i think i need to solve the problem.
The spark goes to "dispersione" (italian word) that means no fire against the electrode but only around the ceramic ring.
I think the problem is the left carb that throws much more gas, so the spark cannot fire because is too wet.
May be i need at first to set lower the carb's float.
What do you think about?.
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