In my early days I ran a straight 50 racing Pennzoil imported by an American by the 44 gal drums and my Norton ran so well with it in our hot climate and after 15+ years he was sued by Pennzoil Australia to stop him selling it but after a 3 year battle he won the right to sell it as the Aust Pennzoil was product by Caltex and wasn't the same, I now run Penrite classic oil but I have always mixed STP in with my oil on all my old air cooled British bikes since 1979, a lot might say snake oil but it works for me and I have got very long life out of my motor with very min wear, I am still running my original cam that was built up to 2S profile and grind back in 1982, last time I pulled my motor down 15+ years ago to replace the crank case (original had a broken front middle stud broken piece of the crank case as well a few hair line fractures around the main seal) but all the main bearings and were good, slipper bearings only had very min wear but all were replaced (crank still on STD size) and my first rebore was still good (rebore was done back in 1982) Hepolite 40th over size pistons and very tight final hone bore to piston clearance, so just a light hone and new rings, my Norton was an everyday ride till 2013 and to me the use of STP has proven its worth, I also run since 1978 a Lochead oil cooler, always had a oil cooler on all my air cooled British bikes even through winter.