1967 Norton Atlas Center Stand


Jul 26, 2005
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I've just installed the center stand on my Atlas and all looks good except I noticed that when the stand is up (not holding the bike up) that the stand slams into the frame. Looked over the parts diagram on Adnover Norton and no apparent bumper was provided. Is that right or am I missing something? Thanks
I've just installed the center stand on my Atlas and all looks good except I noticed that when the stand is up (not holding the bike up) that the stand slams into the frame. Looked over the parts diagram on Adnover Norton and no apparent bumper was provided. Is that right or am I missing something? Thanks
sounds bout right. It chatters against the frame when you hit a washboard road.
On some FB center stands there is a very small (2BA?) threaded hole on one of the "wings" to the side. The parts book lists a "rubber stop" and a pin (screw) to hold it in place. I haven't been able to find one anywhere though. I'm sure with a small cheese head 2BA screw and a bit of firm rubber you could make one up.

1967 Norton Atlas Center Stand
I made one for my Dominator using a 1 1/4” split collar clamped to the lower rear frame cross member. Took a Commando exhaust rubber mount, cut the bolt plate off one side, and drilled and tapped the collar for the rubber mount to thread into. Send me a PM with your email and I can send a pic or someone can post on here for all.
Don't know if it works for you, but for similar problems I've used some layers of Self-vulcanizing tape wrapped around frame or stand. Complemented with a few layers of electrical tape for wear resistance.
Cheap and simple, easy to try.
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Just an FYI for all. I found the wing and the 2 BA thread on the right side of the stand per Tevor’s post. As he said the bumper seems to be unavailable. All I did was retap the hole to 10-32 and found a small 7/8” diameter rubber bumper with an attached stud and screwed it right in. Worked perfect​
I had a similar problem on my 1962 Dominator 650 SS. I modified an old rubber handlebar grip I had lying around, (no idea where is came from) mounted it on the bar between the two side stand legs and secured it with cable ties. Not a perfect solution, but it works pretty well - certainly good enough for me! Apologies if the setup on your Atlas is different.


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