1961 Model 50 Wideline or slimline??

Jan 27, 2009
Hi All,

Can anybody tell me weather a 1961 Model 50 had Wideline or slimline featherbed frames??
Anything in particular to look out for with this model for a potential buy??


I just brought a 1960 650ss Norton and from what I have read about it on the net is it was the first model Norton to have a Slimline Featherbed antthink before that year was wideline, I also have a 850 motor in a 1957 widelineline frame, but I could be wrong???

The singles went into the wideline frame for 1959 and changed to the slimline for the 1961 season (but this would mean September 1960-on production). It could be of course that a late wideline wasn't sold and registered until 1961.

The running gear has no hidden horrors and the engine is known as a reliable but slow unit. Gearbox is our beloved AMC box.
This is my '61 ES2. There is no difference in the appearance between the 500cc and 350cc (Model 50). First year for slimline featherbed frame.

1961 Model 50 Wideline or slimline??
Hi all,

Here she is!!

1961 Model 50 Wideline or slimline??

All i need to do now is workout why i cant get spark.

Illf8ted do you recommend converting to a 12V system? Had a quick play around and could not get a spark. Any recommendations on electonic ignitions for norton singles? I'll have to spend a bit of time going over the electrics. I think the issue may be in the lucas headlight switch (funny that). At one point i did have a weak spark but the spark didnt stick around for long. I did try and by-pass it straight from a fully charged 6v battery but still no joy or i may have had the setup wrong. Looks like I have only 2 wires coming from the alternator too and the manual suggests 3 phase. Interesting. The points seems to only have one wire coming out it back to the main harness. I'm assuming there should be an earth there somewhere.

Any help or info on getting this old girl to spark would be appreciated in advance!!

notrunning said:
Looks like I have only 2 wires coming from the alternator too and the manual suggests 3 phase.

The original (RM15) alternator would have been a "three-wire" type, but that is not the same as "three-phase".

A two wire alternator suggests it may have already been converted to 12V?

notrunning said:
The points seems to only have one wire coming out it back to the main harness. I'm assuming there should be an earth there somewhere.

It should earth through the points housing.
On some of the three wire alternators you can join two of the right colors and turn them to 12 volt. This joint could be made inside the primary cover. Pull the light bulbs and read them? Look at the voltage regulator? There will be sign. I do like the bikes.
I didn't change to 12v on mine as it requires using a none standard ignition switch connection. The PRS8 switch has a connection that combines two alternator leads to make 12v for emergency starts if the battery is dead. Mine runs nicely on 6v.
Hi All,

Does anybody know the best places to source old parts for norton singles. Ive only really found the obvious british parts supllieres mainly specialising in twins (i.e Commando's & t120's).

How readily available are parts or will i run into problems?? I'm talking mainly about consumerables such as engine parts, pistons, gearbox components, oil seals, bearings etc.

Also, whats the best method of sealing the primary cover?? Looks she has been leaking down the side stand and possibly out of the gearbox.

Thanks in advance!
