1960 Norton 88 Dominator

Jan 18, 2012
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1960 Norton 88 Dominator

Hi all,
I'm ready for a new project...Next to get home...a wreck rusty chopperized 1960 Norton Dominator 88
I will share progress

1960 Norton 88 Dominator

1960 Norton 88 Dominator

Not sure if you're brave, or barmy!

But well down for taking it on, and good luck with it.

On the bright side, you can do ANYTHING you Like with that and NO-ONE can criticise you for spoiling it!!

What are our plans?

Looking forward to the updates.
...you're right Eddie I feel 50% brave and 50% crazy...
but I really love workin' on project bike like this...
I've never seen a so badly modified frame...
It's a 54 early featherbed anyway...
engine, gearbox and transmission are from a 1960 dommie.
Not sure about my plans for restoration...
I really like full original specs restorations...
but this could be a special domiracer with no regrets
I will be back once the bike will be delivered
Putting that back to original would be an over costly exercise IMHO and, in a way, a wasted opportunity.

You can build an awesome, guilt free Dmoiracer replica !!
Triton Thrasher said:
I've never seen anything like what they've done to that frame.

Looks like a competition magneto.

What a shame on a featherbed frame :(
Not an expert in magnetos,
Do you think is a competition?
HT pickups held on by screws and a waterproof end cap with a stub for a breather tube are signs of a competition magneto.

Maybe not infallible signs though. I can't see if the label is still present on the driven end of the magneto.
Triton Thrasher said:
I've never seen anything like what they've done to that frame.

There have been a few such featherbeds with the top converted to a single tube - as shown on examples on fleabay.
So it may be more common than we think !
Rohan said:
Triton Thrasher said:
There have been a few such featherbeds with the top converted to a single tube - as shown on examples on fleabay.
So it may be more common than we think !

Single top tube was done on factory supported motocross Manxes.

But not like that!
Just put some new fuel in the tank, pump up the tyres, it will fire up on the first kick, well maybe the second kick, she be right, well joking all over if it was mine I would pull the motor, gearbox etc. and drop it into a drum of diesel and let soak for a week or two, then I would remove any other parts that can be restored, as for the frame just junk it, after all that once things are pulled apart then decide what the best way to go, but what ever its going to cost a lot, but if you got time up your sleeve, money in your pocket, and able to do most of the work yourself, then who knows, but then if its not worth the troubles you have plenty of parts that can be off loaded, but something like that will surely be a long term project if you are on a low budget.

It's a brave new world, and the slate is clean. (well, maybe not the best choice of words, but you get my drift)
I saw that and watched the auction. If it was close to me I would've bought it too. I'm glad that you got it and thanks for posting the pictures and I really hope you keep us advised of your progress. The motor and trans were worth well more than what you paid.
Thomasdunstall said:
1960 Norton 88 Dominator

Hi all,
I'm ready for a new project...Next to get home...a wreck rusty chopperized 1960 Norton Dominator 88
I will share progress

1960 Norton 88 Dominator

1960 Norton 88 Dominator
count the fins on the barrels,i got 9 which would make it a 600 99 not a 500 88 chris
chris plant said:
count the fins on the barrels,i got 9 which would make it a 600 99 not a 500 88 chris

thanks Chris, you're right seems to be a 600 99...
I'm waiting more info on this engine from NOC
Triton Thrasher said:
Rohan said:
Triton Thrasher said:
There have been a few such featherbeds with the top converted to a single tube - as shown on examples on fleabay.
So it may be more common than we think !

Single top tube was done on factory supported motocross Manxes.

But not like that!

Your bike is not an original Les Archer motocrosser with World Championship history.....


1960 Norton 88 Dominator
dave M said:
Now that you own it you can advertise it as a Dunstall Norton and make a bundle!

...not sure about what is going to be...
at first I was aimed to bring it to original spec...but frame and engine do not match...
to be honest I'm tempted to make a Dunstall Domiracer Replica... :)
The Dommie is leaving the US in three boxes...
Soon will be in shoutern Italy for an easy and relaxin' retirement :D
I will update with pics when I open he boxes
the guy who chopped this frame wants nailing up by his balls , well if you seen me your frame I can sort it for you or if you look on UK Ebay you find a 1960 slimline for a tad over a grand, in good nick , the choice is your but good luck with it I restored a 1954 model 88 back to factory spec from a cafe racer only tinware was the oil tank and tool tray the rest I had to find or make like the rear mudguard near impossible to get hold of now, and even the hubs were the wrong ones they where the full hub type the 54 had half hubs , the engine was a nightmare to put right but now she runs fine, This engine of your will need a full rebuild and all bearings changing try get the Original R&M Bearings or Ransome and Marles Bearing.uk on the timing side you should have Mj30 ball and drive side 3MJRA 30 or look up vintage bearings .co.uk

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