Trump seems to be doing well so far...

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Trump seems to be doing well so far...
As a retiree (18 years ago!) I don't get too irritated with car issues. Fortunately, my '03 Kia Sedona has had only had one failure in 130,000 miles. The alternator died at about 53,000 miles. It was a known problem with one of three suppliers and Kia hadn't kept track of which cars got which alternators. It was replaced under warranty, but it had screwed up the battery, which wasn't under warranty. Still, $125.00 over 15 years with only one issue is pretty good.

We'll be getting a new car sometime this year, maybe a Honda SUV, but we'll keep the Kia until it dies. It will be our Labrador transporter (10 year old yellow female.)
Both my wife and I drive 6-speed manual Mazda 6s. You CAN actually drive them. The gearbox is fantastic, however I would not recommend it for driving in a big city in peak hour traffic. If you get it on a winding country road, it is almost as good as a motorcycle - ALMOST ! I once drove one from Queenstown to Strahan on the west coast of Tasmania. It went from 2nd gear up through the gears to top and back again about 6 times in about 70 Kilometers. - Really good fun, but as with a bike, you have to count your gear-changes.
To bring this page back to D.Trump again, it looks like the latest attempt to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminium has back fired on him when H/D will be making some of their bikes abroad to avoid the Tit –for- tat tariffs that the E.U. has imposed. So, some of the H/D workers at Milwaukee will still lose their jobs !:(
Some Chinese are also worried about losing their jobs. However in Australia, we are not - because we have already lost our jobs.
The latest comment that I heard about D.Trump from someone in Canada; “he is the worse guest any country can invite to visit, he insults the host, insults the guests at a banquet , and after yesterday’s soiree to meet the British Monarch, he embarrassed the Queen!”

So,. . . .no change there then!:(
People such as Trump would not embarrass the Queen. She can handle idiots with royal aplomb. If he got really stupid she would probably reinstate the proceedings of George the 3rd and fix America right up. Send some sailing ships and start shooting.
You didn’t see the inspection by the Queen and that Dum Trump of the Grenadier Guards where a sprightly 90 year old had to Move from left to right and back again whilst walking behind the President then?
Apparently the people who are suffering the most from the trade war Trump started, are the farmers of mid-west America who voted for him. They are reaping what they sowed ?
The thing about Trump is that he is decisive. In industry the overall rate of making the 'correct decision' is about 50%, but what is most important is that the decision is made. Right or wrong does not usually matter. Voters like strong men - what they are really like, does not matter to people who are relatively uneducated and cannot see the implications and risks.
Actually, Trump is opposed to all tariffs/subsidies.

He walked into the G7 in Canada and embarrassed them all:

"Ultimately that's what you want, you want tariff free, no barriers, and you want no subsides because you have some countries subsidizing industries and that's not fair," Trump said. "So you go tariff free, you go barrier free, you go subsidy free, that's the way you learned at the Wharton School of Finance."​

Whatdyathink all the other PMs, Presidents, and potentates said?

Now, did you read or hear of this fact elsewhere?
Fake news.

Simple fact is tariffs are taxes and subsidies for export are from taxes. We'd all be richer if there were zero tariffs, not any, not anywhere.

He's TALKING to the damn Communists !

This is obviously a crime !

He's supposet to sneak around ,
screw them on every deal .
Covertly blow up half the planet and BLAME THEM .

This we call ' Democracy ' , like Nicaragua ( Again . whos behind that ) and Lybia .
Screwed bu H M after dealing with the Eyetalians .
Obviously we dont want their oil . They only produce 2 % .
Now theve got the port , we can sell them more armaments . Like Cosovo .

Second Highest grade Crude for Machine Tool use . Go Figure .
Ah well , if the pansy bitch was in , the Neuk Holocoust probly wouldve prevented this post .
I've always been puzzled by the way the final two candidates for President just "suddenly appear", with no public input. I'd like to see a full primary election for each party's candidate ahead of the final Presidential election. Which dumb-butts chose Trump and Clinton this last time? Two worse choices would be hard to find.

Maybe the British election procedure would make more sense - pick a ruling party by public election, then let the party choose the Prime Minister.
they don't just appear, they run as candidates typically for one party or another & get results & votes along that road,

it leads to a party convention where the survivor(s) of that race are nominated & confirmed as partly leaders
Maybe I wasn't paying attention -as a Brit, the US political circus has a numbing effect on me. I certainly don't remember tRump appearing until well after their convention. I think he's a outstanding example of the old saying "The lesser of two evils is still evil".
The problem with Trump is that his attitude towards neoliberal globalism is legitimate and possibly reasonable. My feeling is that we should not throw the baby out with the bathwater. However you cannot be a little bit pregnant. If you look at what neoliberalism has done in Australia, the social consequences for workers through job-loss are horrendous, but goods are cheaper. This trade-off was the basis of politics in Australia as far back as the time of federation. It seems to have been resolved by stealth. The neoliberal ideology has become a religion with the conservatives.
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