Not that I was ever a fan....

Local distributor for Bud Light in Birmingham Al. has reported that the brand is so decimated that he doesn’t believe it’ll ever come back..

He’s quoted:

“We’re ruined here.”

News flash: You’re ruined everywhere! 🤣


  • Not that I was ever a fan....
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A net positive for US news coverage methinks, with Tucker Carlson getting the sack (or walking - who knows)!

Anybody that values serious journalism should probably raise a glass! My thoughts only.
You left out (no surprise) that smug racist asshole Don Lemon who whined his way out the door pointing fingers at anyone but himself. IMHO every bit the divisive personality/commentator that Carlson is accused of being.

I pretty much have abandoned watching the political commentary called news on television, regardless of the network.

I see no downside to either one of these partisan talking heads getting the boot.
Time to squash out all this seperatist childish banter (that generates a ton of ad income) and try to offer up some real informed journalism. Dump the rest of those wanna be actors and actress's while you are at it and put somebody on the screen with some decent credibility and real journalistic experience.

Example of what I mean: Last night my wife was watching NBC evening news. their LEAD story was not the evacuation of the US Embassy in the Sudan, no...their lead story was Carlson and Lemon getting booted out.
Now that's quality journalism baby!
At least they (NBC) were reporting facts, these two did get booted, that's a fact. Unlike what you get from the cable news that employed them.
At least they (NBC) were reporting facts, these two did get booted, that's a fact. Unlike what you get from the cable news that employed them.
Eye roll...Dude are you serious ?

Facts ...Hundreds of people have been killed....Thousands of people are in mortal danger.

Facts....Two tv hosts have to see out their 20 million dollar contracts cause they didn't agree with management.

So what is morally more important to the public....human agency .....or human life ?
I guess we’re each responsible for finding news that we can trust - if we are going to rely on it. Carlson, apparently, used to be a respected journalist. Ratings and money (I guess) won out and the rest as they say is history - he would clearly cover any story from the most ‘ratings worthy’ angle possible (as directed no doubt) - the truth be damned. I (very) strongly suspect that he believed only a fraction of what he reported. Ratings = money = fame = (perceived) success = ratings = money………etc!

I’ve spent time in the states and served alongside US troops, so no disrespect intended - but can one of our American friends please tell me how this guy, on that network, became the most popular newsreader on cable TV? Genuine question, the answer to which makes me slightly nervous.
Dan Rather was once the most respected news man in the US till CBS decided to run with the unsubstantiated story of George W. Bush's Air national Guard story. And then denied and lied about the vetting of the documents, witnesses and experts, claiming "political operatives" were out to discredit them. Ever since Watergate every bozo with a camera and computer thinks they can be the one to bring down the high and mighty in the name of truth and justice. Funny how they never fired Rather though.....
Not that I was ever a fan....

Tried some of this and its pretty good. A bit like Okocim Polish lager but not as heavy.
Not that I was ever a fan....
Dan Rather was once the most respected news man in the US till CBS decided to run with the unsubstantiated story of George W. Bush's Air national Guard story. And then denied and lied about the vetting of the documents, witnesses and experts, claiming "political operatives" were out to discredit them. Ever since Watergate every bozo with a camera and computer thinks they can be the one to bring down the high and mighty in the name of truth and justice. Funny how they never fired Rather though.....
And he was a cocky jerk before that story ever evolved. I saw him strutting around wearing a set of polished .45 ACP's while he was supposedly reporting on US military superiority. Reporters are supposed to be non-combatants and plenty of other reporters were pissed at his "hey look at me BS". They felt his armed appearance put a target on the rest of them.
At least they (NBC) were reporting facts, these two did get booted, that's a fact. Unlike what you get from the cable news that employed them.
Your comment/observation is completely lost on me (facts?) and I was going to offer another view but I noticed you have been in here for 10 years with over 100 posts and you have not bucked up a cent in support of the forum.
I'll just stop there.
Of course what’s happening in the Sudan is more important and newsworthy, but I don’t think there’s any value in conflating judgement of the two to make a comparison. News sites will always cater for their customers - Carlson (and Lemon) getting the push is a massive story whether we rate them or not. Front page news in Aus also - the reach of crap sensationalist journalism is, in many ways, far greater than that of serious journalism. Carlson proved that - can’t comment on Lemon.
I don’t think there’s any value in conflating judgement of the two to make a comparison. News sites will always cater for their customers

I could not disagree more.
A "value in conflating judgement"? Really?
We have a rudimentary disagreement in what a "news" site is, and isn't. I
Unlike you, I could give two $hit$ what noted tv personality got canned.I do not consider a talking head (belching out their polished teleprompter lines) to be a massive story of real world information. Its all BS and fluff, thus my distinction between the two.
Viewers and customers are a very different and distinct group in the world of broadcasting.

I am interested in seeking knowledge of real world activities, like US special forces having to evacuate an American Embassy.
I cite priorities of said news source. That is the difference in what information relayed is viable, and what is not.
IMHO Damn near all of them suck.

Consider this from the great American songwriter Don Henley of the Eagles, fits my opinion of todays information sources quite nicely.
And it was written over 30 years ago.

I make my livin' off the evenin' news
Just give me somethin', somethin' I can use
People love it when you lose
They love dirty laundry

Well, I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry

We got the bubble-headed bleached-blonde, comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry

Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry

You don't really need to find out what's goin' on
You don't really wanna know just how far it's gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry

Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry

We can do "The Innuendo", we can dance and sing
When it's said and done, we haven't told you a thing
We all know that crap is king
Give us dirty laundry!
I could not disagree more.
A "value in conflating judgement"? Really?
We have a rudimentary disagreement in what a "news" site is, and isn't. I
Unlike you, I could give two $hit$ what noted tv personality got canned.I do not consider a talking head (belching out their polished teleprompter lines) to be a massive story of real world information. Its all BS and fluff, thus my distinction between the two.
Viewers and customers are a very different and distinct group in the world of broadcasting.

I am interested in seeking knowledge of real world activities, like US special forces having to evacuate an American Embassy.
I cite priorities of said news source. That is the difference in what information relayed is viable, and what is not.
IMHO Damn near all of them
I was referring to the (lack of) value in conflating lives lost in conflict with jobs lost by a couple of talking heads and then asking for judgement on ‘what is morally more important to the public’. Not sure what you are saying really.

The sacking of Carlson is a massive story because of what it means - context - not that the bloated windbag lost his job. Losing his job the week after $1bn fine is levelled at his employer for lying about the stolen exxxxxn, and everything that means! As you guys are gearing up for a re-run of the same contest, I’d say that proof of (yet more) blatant lies (and the consequences that followed) make it a pretty big story.

I would hope we all care about what is happening in the world and receiving accurate news coverage of key events - you don’t have a monopoly on that requirement.
What happened to the steadfast ethical mandate you posted so many pages back, you know, where you normally stand above it all...and then stated:

I usually ignore this sort of stuff as any sane person would, for reasons you allude to above, but when you get slapped in the face with it on a website dedicated to your favourite motorcycle marque - well, how much can a Koala bear!:rolleyes:

Whatever...I don't care about understanding your rehashed "this is what I meant" references.
We have a rudimentary difference in what logic and accountability actually mean.

Clearly those two have left the building and my time is too valuable to continue
Not that I was ever a fan....
See you round' the campus...maybe talking bikes instead of stupid beer marketing.
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The illusion of news networks and how the gullible lap it up.. and think what they say is important 🙃....a educational glance for Stephen Spencer or who ever you are.

T.Carlson's last few interviews were with folk like Robert Kennedy...Elon Musk amoung other controversial characters who are currently directly campaigning or speaking out against big pharma Ukraine and the current administration...
Look into/up the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) who control/sponsor ALL of these trashy news networks... it is little wonder why he was SACKED.

Kennedy comments
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. continues. “He had more Democrats watching him in most demographics than Rachel Maddow. Rachel Maddow was kind of the next stop. But a lot of people watch Tucker, who are not Republicans. And he had 3.5 million [viewers] on an average night and 5 million on a really good night. And that — his average night was ten times CNN’s average. So he was talking to a lot of people.”

“It’s kind of shocking that they threw him off,” conveyed Mr. Kennedy. “He was saying things that nobody has ever said on TV before. He was talking about advertisers dictating content — pharmaceutical advertisers getting newscasters on the networks to say things about vaccines that weren’t true. And nobody’s ever talked like that.”

"Personally I don't give a toss about these controlled information outlets for the gullible sheep to watch daily"

What happened to the steadfast ethical mandate you posted so many pages back, you know, where you normally stand above it all...and then stated:

I usually ignore this sort of stuff as any sane person would, for reasons you allude to above, but when you get slapped in the face with it on a website dedicated to your favourite motorcycle marque - well, how much can a Koala bear!:rolleyes:

Whatever...I don't care about understanding your rehashed "this is what I meant" references.
We have a rudimentary difference in what logic and accountability actually mean.

Clearly those two have left the building and my time is too valuable to continue
Not that I was ever a fan....
See you round' the campus...maybe talking bikes instead of stupid beer marketing.
Clearly not too valuable to ‘beat that dead horse’ though……… 🤣? I imagine the horse in this idiom to represent anyone from a different bar;).