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Oil Filter Mounting Bracket for Featherbed Frames

For those who may want a bolt on oil filter bracket for a Featherbed frame.


It is fabricated from 3 x 3 x 1/4 inch aluminum angle, cut down to 1 3/4 (the side with filter bolts) x 2 1/4 x 2 wide. The "legs" are 1 x 1/4 al. flatstock welded to the 2 1/4 face. The holes in the legs are 3/8 dia and are 1.5 inches from the top surface of the 2 1/4 face.

The legs mount between the lower rear side plates using 3/8-24 x 1 1/2 bolts, which replace the factory bolts. Each bolt has 2 nuts - the first on (with its washer) is torqued to spec and cinches up the side plate to frame tab, next a star washer, one of the legs, another star washer, then the second nut. The opposite side is more tricky, the bolt has to be fed thru the side plate and frame tab, the first nut and washer held in position while the bolt is threaded thru the nut, star washer, and possibly a shim washer, then thru the second leg. Tighten the first nut with an open end wrench before tightening the second nut. I would not advise eliminating the first of the nuts, and clamping the aluminum bracket to the side plate and frame tabs in one go.

Using the short (2 1/2 inch tall) EMGO filter, the bracket can be mounted keeping the filter vertical. Longer filters will interfere with the center stand and the bracket must be rotated on the mounting bolts about 30 degrees for clearance. There is plenty of clearance to adjust both the primary and rear chains. Keeping with a vertical filter means less spillage when changing filters.

If making the bracket from steel, 3/16 stock would be sufficient.

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