Access Norton VIP Member Sign UpVIP members help cover server costs and keeping the forum going strong. Thanks for your help. $3.25 for one month $9.75 for 3 months $19.50 for 6 months $39 for 12 months To upgrade your account and become a VIP member you will need to be registered and logged in. |
VIP member Benefits:-> Classifieds Ads Space-> Can view members online -> Can view map of online members -> Can search conversations -> Can start a conversation from a post -> Can upload a cover photo to your profile -> No advertising banners when you login -> Can post custom banners and links to your company -> Ability to post an Event in the Access Norton Calendar -> 500 MB of space to host photos and other docs -> Bypass user content tag limit -> Bypass the search flood check -> Bypass spam check -> Upload attachments to posts -> Upload attachments to conversations -> Search and arrange conversations -> Allow extended text formatting in signature -> Allow links in signature -> Allow more lines in signature -> View profile posts -> Like profile posts -> Add media to gallery -> Create photo albums -> Upload photos to posts, conversation and your photo albums -> No time limit editing media and auto save -> Crop and adjust media -> Create photos albums and upload images -> Bypass image watermarks -> Extended time on editing comments in gallery -> Tag members in media by anyone -> Bypass approval when creating tags of others -> Maximum Items Per Upload is 20 -> Can bookmark posts/ threads -> Get a shiny badge -> Support the forum. Keep these bikes on the road |