Post your Bionics count here.

"Once again getting more bionic tomorrow. This time it's a pacemaker."

Dang Greg, well best of luck and we'll be thinking of you. My parents neighbor had a pacemaker and they said it was the best thing ever (this was years and years ago so I expect the equipment you're gonna get will be even better than those old ones). Cj
Once again getting more bionic tomorrow. This time it's a pacemaker.

After 5 months and a day of trying to get an answer on my right shoulder it was determined that it is beyond fixing and must be replaced. While trying to get cardiac clearance for that surgery, the heart crap came up. So, assuming that the pacemaker resolves that, the shoulder replacement will be next followed by the left knee, followed by the left foot, followed by the right knee, and so on.
Good luck Greg…
Once again getting more bionic tomorrow. This time it's a pacemaker.

After 5 months and a day of trying to get an answer on my right shoulder it was determined that it is beyond fixing and must be replaced. While trying to get cardiac clearance for that surgery, the heart crap came up. So, assuming that the pacemaker resolves that, the shoulder replacement will be next followed by the left knee, followed by the left foot, followed by the right knee, and so on.
Hope all goes well mate
The pacemaker is a good thing. My sister and good friend are both sporting one and praise the stability it offers.

No Magnetic Resonance Imaging for you old timer.

Greg, I'll bet you are hell on TSA during check through, even with one of those medical free pass cards.
MRI with ferrous metal parts in you can be done if you don’t mind being slammed into the walls of the tube - the parts may hastily exit your body but the staff will clean up the mess …
Survived another surgery! This was weird. They didn't want to put me under, so I was wide awake. Took found hours - hurt like hell even though I had a local.
Awesome. I hope you're discharged and feeling good again soon!
On the eve of becoming more bionic, I wonder who has more man-made parts than me.
1) Left hip - total replacement
2) Left foot, Kevlar longus tendon - more surgery coming after I recover from tomorrow.
3) Left shoulder, Kevlar holding AC joint together
4) Left knee, MCL
5) Four teeth implants
6) Tomorrow morning, right hip - total replacement

I'm sure there are plenty of guys with broken bones with plates - I didn't count those.
Is there a bedside foot pump ! 😗
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I’m so pleased I was well under when they chainsawed my chest to do arterial bypass grafts. I need a local just to have a local normally.
Did you offer them any new words or creative language?
Fortunately, I have a high pain tolerance, but I did let out some pretty good groans. Didn't figure it was a good idea to say what I thought while strapped down and under the control of people causing the pain.

The worse part was when they started sewing up the inside and the technologist said "Wait a minute, we lost lead one". Followed by the surgeon saying, "Damn, this is frustrating". That was already the second time he placed that lead and he had to remove two layers of stiches and try with a third. Mind you, it was already about 2.5 hours from when I was given the local in my skin. Once he replace that lead and tested, he again connected the pacemaker and re-tested. Then he re-did the internal stiches, each of which I felt. Then came the real pain. He had to push the device under my skin pushing VERY hard, re-testing, and then sewing me up, again feeling each stich. At that point, I thought the pain was over - nope! They had covered my whole chest and part of my neck with a self-sticking plastic cover (like tape). The nurse started pulling it off with me yelling slow down and wet it. He didn't. I've got a LOT of minor skin damage.

A freaky part was the flatline warning that sounded several times. After the two leads are placed they cut the nerves and your heart stops. Then it starts up with the operating room equipment and later with the pacemaker but at each transition, you hear the flatline warning for a few seconds.

The surgery is supposed to take 1-3 hours. Took 4.
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Fortunately, I have a high pain tolerance, but I did let out some pretty good groans. Didn't figure it was a good idea to say what I thought while strapped down and under the control of people causing the pain.

The worse part was when they started sewing up the inside and the technologist said "Wait a minute, we lost lead one". Followed by the surgeon saying, "Damn, this is frustrating". That was already the second time he placed that lead and he had to remove two layers of stiches and try with a third. Mind you, it was already about 2.5 hours from when I was given the local in my skin. Once he replace that lead and tested, he again connected the pacemaker and re-tested. Then he re-did the internal stiches, each of which I felt. Then came the real pain. He had to push the device under my skin pushing VERY hard, re-testing, and then sewing me up, again feeling each stich. At that point, I thought the pain was over - nope! They had covered my while chest and part of my neck with a self-sticking plastic cover (like tape). The nurse started pulling it off with me yelling slow down and wet it. He didn't. I've got a LOT of minor skin damage.

A freaky part was the flatline warning that sounded several times. After the two leads are placed they cut the nerves and your heart stops. Then it starts up with the operating room equipment and later with the pacemaker but at each transition, you hear the flatline warning for a few seconds.

The surgery is supposed to take 1-3 hours. Took 4.
You sound like a difficult patient to me!!!!!
You've got better pain threshold than me mate
Glad it all went well in the end 👍👍👍
I'm off to have a new left knee next month
I had my right replaced 3 years ago and I deferred having my left done for a year so that I could carry on working
I'm hoping it'll be a partial knee replacement
But I won't know until after the opp if it partial or a full replacement
It depends how much arthritis they find
I'm off to have a new left knee next month
I had my right replaced 3 years ago and I deferred having my left done for a year so that I could carry on working
I'm hoping it'll be a partial knee replacement
But I won't know until after the opp if it partial or a full replacement
It depends how much arthritis they find
I working with the surgeon's scheduler for my total leg knee right now. How long was your recovery on your first one. I need five surgeries and hope to get them all done this year.