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- Sep 27, 2022
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I've got a spare engine and roadholders but no frame for it. Recently, a BSA A10 frame came up for sale in my area. Does anyone know if a norton engine can be rigged to fit in the A10 frame?
If it's the same one that I saw at kempton it also had the full isolastics ,it's been discussed on here beforepretty sure I saw a Commando motor in a BSA A10-type frame at Kempton, and it looked fine.
That would make a No-Umph …I also have access to some pre-OIF unit Triumph frames.
Not because I own one, if you are serious about road racing, a Mk3 Seeley frame is the best way to go. It is the lightest while still being strong. A unit Triumph frame might not have enough room, and a BSA A10 frame is heavier. I followed my Seeley frame for about 2 years before I tacked it down and bought it. But I could not get the Laverda 750 motor it was housing when I raced agaisnt it. It had taught me a lesson about handling when the idiot who was riding it crashed me. What he did was impossible with any Triton or Manx. He rode around me in a high speed corner then braked in front of me. My drum brake tossed me.Yes the Scramble lads use the A10 frame, with just about any type of engine. I’ve toyed with putting a single in there for pre 60 races.
What caused the kid to crash the hot rod?In most jurisdictions, the laws allow allow for production of vehicles ouside of corporations. In Australia standardised design rules apply to every vehicle, and certification by an engineer is required. The cheapest emginerrs' certificate is $2000. But if a motorcycle is older than a certain number of years the rule does not apply. Something which has a different frame but normal engine and gearbox can be registered faily easily.
Many years ago In Melbourne, there was a kid who got a lot of publicity about his hot-rod car. He then bounced it off a rockery which was in the centre of a divided highway. The car flew apoart killing both him and his passenger. The laws changed in every Australian state.
There is still provision for producing your own vehicle, even though we no longer produce cars in Australia and only ever produced one type of motorcycle in a factory..
We do not usually have laws which discourage development.