new to me vintage tractor

Learned to drive on a M35 my Dad had. In fact most country kids in Ireland growing up learned to drive on tractors. I remember having to stand up to get the clutch down like someone else said earlier. Great memories
My Dad whowas disabled had to stand up in a car to double declutch and use the brake pedal as well... A memory of childhood was going down a steepish hill to a major road junction in his 1953 humber hawk packed with newspapers ,eventhe boot was full . We doing about60 and the car was accelerating doen thehill (they were very heavy) and i was beginning pancic we wont stop. Suddenly my dad reared up inthe drivers seat double delutched changed down tothird and braking heavily pulled upon the white line...
I found a 1962 Ford D4000 for a steal, in a rental storage in the middle of downtown Austin!

This thing is a workhorse. I bought a 6' Finish Mower deck, a 5' Box Blade, and a Dirt Bucket (kinda useless, that last one).

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I have a 1941 farmall H which I've had since 1986. It needs a good going over one of these years. It has always sat out of the weather and looks good for its age. No pictures as there is a lot of stuff hiding it. I mounted a big army Braden winch on the back, snow blade(made from a hot water tank) on the front, tire chains and logged my bush with it back then. It has the narrow front end which makes it really maneuverable. I have hand crank started it since I've had it, you soon learn the sweet spot. It hasn't ran in a few years now,but will with a carb cleaning.
I am envious - love old machinery , Ford N models chief among them . I have not enough land to encourage tractor play but if I did it would be a Two Cylinder Deere - unstyled B with round spoke wheels all around and of course it has to have an umbrella...
richard i only have a couple of acres idea is to have a project to keep me broke and hands busy i spent many days as a youth on my grandfather's farm so i am frustrated agriculturalist have a plan for the T20....lots of holiday parades around here have friend with trailer rent gorilla suit ride tractor in parades with big sign "Alan Hodge for President" also plan to drive it up and down my road to aggravate neighbor's chiwawa and hound dawgs who chase me on bike the bastards BERT get that tractor going again!
Alan - glad to see your Fergie still has the skinny front rims/ tires that date it - although they might do less harm to your lawn the fat turf tires just don’t look right . Tin looks to be decent and still has the toolbox on the fender . Getting it back to grey is proper.
Please keep us updated with pics.
A song comes to my mind when I see/read/hear about this old agricultural iron. "The Field Behind The Plow" written by the late Stan Roger's. Check it out when you get a chance...
got tractor home found data plate under many layers paint removed paint found serial number 83968 plate reads "Made by Standard Motors Coventry, England" how cool is that oh serial number dates in 1949
been working on the Fergie got the front plate on ebay for $8 paint job is Rustoleum Gloss Smoke Grey got some fine tuning to do gas tank has lots of silt/rust i am still trying to get out motor is very cold natured like my 68 MGB still learning its sweet spots
new to me vintage tractor
Nice Alan,
Two important things to add
Most important is a ROPS (roll bar) and second is front weights.
Looks from your pictures you are an hilly ground
Get a roll bar !!!!
The rest isn’t important if you get squashed
Also 3/4 fill your rear tyres with water, the extra weight will make it more stable.

Fergie looks right in grey .
Found this picture - my cousin let me play with his Ford N when we visited him in Oregon a few years back.
We now use it primarily for splitting wood. But every once in a while it does see service running a smaller brush hog and pulling a harrow or cultipacker.
new to me vintage tractor
My first experience driving a tractor was in Afghanistan. I'd retired from active duty (US. Navy) and gotten a contract job working on Blackhawks for the Army up north in MEZ by Camp Marmal. It's in the foothills of the Hindu Kush and gets a bit of snow. I show up and I guess it was the next day or so, we go out to tow a Blackhawk in to our hangar and low and behold they were using a John Deer. Later I learned and became a decent enough tractor driver. I was 50 at the time....sort of late I suppose.
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