Why did Norton put the oil filer cap under the seat on the Commando?

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Apr 29, 2009
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The frame rails on all of my bikes are scratched to heck. Dominators and Atlas are easily accessible. Now Triumph did it on the t140 and t150 but at least they hinged the seat so you don't destroy your paint work. My BSA has the filler on the side of the tank. Most easy to use. The zed has tire valve stems that are impossible to reach but that's a different story.
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Powdercoat and they won’t get as scratched.

Don't kid yourself. I didn't quite get the padding under my 750 tank right and it wore through the powder coat after just one ride.

The oil cap is under the seat so you have to wash your hands before you check your oil, { which a super bike like ours doesn't need to be checked}. That is to ensure you don't get the cap dirty.

Quit bitchin' about it... My XLCR had 2 snap on seats to access the same type tank set up .... some clown popped the seat and stuffed a hanky down the tank then refastened the seat..... It cost me a motor, so the more difficult the better is my take on this. Just be thankful for NV looking after your interests.
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The frame changed and streamlined side covers became the fashion over bulbous oil tanks on British bikes with large caps as per the previous decades.
Perhaps there is some irony in Honda combining the two on the CB750, side cover with external semi flush mount oil tank cap.

Two fittings and a vertical oil level tube could be added or even a window in the tank outer wall.
"Why did Norton put the oil filer cap under the seat on the Commando?"

So no one would steal it?
Prevents passers by from depositing cigarette butts, bottle caps, miscellaneous debris, etc. in in your oil tank, or stealing your oil cap....
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