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A list of bikes with NO redeeming value would surely be the list of top 5 dogs!

But ‘over rated classics’ is a good thought provoking list, ie why should a Goldie be worth twice the price of a faster/ smoother / easier to live with Gold Flash? Why should a pre unit T120 be twice the price of a 650ss?

Or perhaps the ultimate for me would be why is the Rocket Gold Star 3 or 4 times the price of the best Gold Flash?!

But, interesting debate aside, the answer is actually very simple: market forces.

And the markets valuation of collectables actually has almost nothing to do with their practical merit. Never has. Probably never will.

If ALL we were interested in was practical merit, we’d all be riding modern Japanese bikes ! Or worse… for many it would be some horrid electric device :eek:
