Wheel Rim Widths - Inner vs Outer

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Jun 8, 2013
I don't know my rim width on my 1973 Commando 850. She is a Cafe Racer street bike setup with CNW front brakes and new suspension. When I bought her, she already came with the following wheels and tires. I used a caliper to measure the rim external width just to have somewhere to start.

FRONT - 19 inch
Wheel: Outer Width: ~2-11/16”, Spokes: 40
Tire: Dunlop Elite SP K591 110-90/19 51V

REAR - 18 inch
Wheel: Outer Width: ~3”, Spokes: 40
Tire: Dunlop Elite SP K591 Rear - 110-90/18 55V

What I don’t know is the actual rim *inner* width. I thought if I can ask you for the OUTSIDE rim widths, I can better guesstimate what my INNER widths are most likely to be. Otherwise, I'll have to remove both wheels and tires 1st before I order new tires and can't plan in advance. So if anyone can help me measure the external width of their rims (Not tires mind you) I can compile the numbers run stats… and look for Standard Deviations carry the one and all the stuff you all curmudgeons willingly obsess about. Before you scream foul… I realize there will be a variation between different rim thicknesses among manufacturers, but I’ll take that into account. Last and not least most tires actually have a decent range of rim inner widths they fit to so it won't be as mindless. t least that's what I'm hoping.

These should help us a tad as they are often cited as the inner width to more acceptable Commando wheels.

WM-2 rim nominal inner width = 1.85”
WM-3 rim nominal inner width = 2.15”
WM-4 rim nominal inner width = 2.50"


-->FJ (Washington, DC, USA)

PS I'm sure thee are opinions on tires too. Was thinking Battlax BT45, BT45v or based on actual rim size Avons or... ? Aye Yay Yay.. -)
I've looked everywhere.. other than Made in England and that they appear stainless steel...I cant find any stamps or markings.

Seems likely I have MW3 on Rear and WM2 on Front..
Thanks. I have a more detailed hardcopy version of that and it has been the best source yet. I'm looking to fine tune if possible.
What is there to fine tune if sticking with standard WM2 & WM3 rims in 18 or 19" diameters? All of my Cdo time on 2 Combats has been on 19"x110 front combo until last year put on 100x19" front and for the life of me I can not feel any difference in ease to steer but Boy Howdy do I on the braking grip lost both on and off road. I've been though a hand full of rear tires on 18 & 19" rear WM3 wide rims and like the 110 size best for normal power and use Cdo for wear but liked the 120x18" WM3 for hopped up power and *dangerous* cornering loads like my past Peel. No issues at all on 120 on WM3 but felt sluggish on normal power Cdo like my Trixie Combat- so went back to 110x19" as most pleasant compromise of mass vs rear tread life. My racer builder mentors say they fit Avon 130 rear on WM3 18" rim, so that's what my special has on but can't fit that on normal Cdo w/o removing fender to stuff into swing arm and shifting rim away from chain. 130 size on WM3 is shown by all the legal-lawyer-liar directed manufacture's charts as taboo, which implies all the famous successful racer-builders didn't and still don't know what works well for them for decades.

Apparently, there are new Continental Classic Attack Vintage Radials now available in the US.
Front: 110/90R19 57v (~US$ 150)
Rear: 110 or 120/90R18 65v (~US $162)

Of course there are Avon's, Battlax BT45 or BT45v.

So... what do all u suggest?

Oh Boy..
I've been keeping a mental score to report real non road legal racers fit Avons race compound tires while all the ones that actually risk racer like antics in public on DOT tires preferred the Bridgestones.
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