what position for the certification plate on the frame?

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Mar 27, 2011
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this a new episode of the serial 'how to post decals and plates'
my question now is: how to post the certification plate with the frame numbers on the frame around the steering?
my norton is a commando 750 year 1973
pictures are very much appreciated!
Re: how to post the certification plate on the frame?

There are 4 rivet screws (long thread screws that tap in with a hammer & drift) to hold the plate on the headstock.

I don't have a photo handy at the moment.
thank you GrandPaul.
actually my question is more about the position of the plate on the frame, in order not to post it upside down..
perhaps I should better reword the subject..

grandpaul said:
There are 4 rivet screws (long thread screws that tap in with a hammer & drift) to hold the plate on the headstock.

I don't have a photo handy at the moment.
what position for the certification plate on the frame?
i also have a 73 750, this is the only shot i have that shows my tag before i took it off, looks like it would be readable from the left hand side of the bike, in my haste i put it back on the other way around (thats a get over) but i think original would be readable from the left, so the serial number at the bottom is on the left hand side, and mine has a month and year stamp which originally was towards the right side.
what position for the certification plate on the frame?
Thank you.
A quick clarification: when you say the serial numbers were originally on the left hand side (and the date on the right), do you mean looking the bike from the front, or while you are sitting on the bike?

kevbo82 said:
i also have a 73 750, this is the only shot i have that shows my tag before i took it off, looks like it would be readable from the left hand side of the bike, in my haste i put it back on the other way around (thats a get over) but i think original would be readable from the left, so the serial number at the bottom is on the left hand side, and mine has a month and year stamp which originally was towards the right side.
Mine is readable from the drive side. I don't think they changed later from what I've seen. This is a replacement but the orig was the same way.

what position for the certification plate on the frame?

man you guys have such pretty ID plates! i put my gnarly looking original one back on.
I powder coated around mine. That puppy is never comin off. It's kinda like painting the top of the door trim real carefully, if your up their lookin for something, then your looking for something. It's behind the headlight don't sweat it too much.
Lorenzo said:
Thank you DogT..
actually I don't understand which is the top end and the lower side..
Both pics I sent top is right side. If you stand on the primary side, you should be able to read the label right side up. Look at my first pic, you can see the wings and the forks.

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