What exactly is the Yves Alton fix?

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Sep 25, 2004
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What exactly is the Yves Alton starter fix? Where can I get the required parts? I have a friend that has just installed one and it failed.
I hope that someday one of the enterprising vendors (maybe Alton themselves?) will pick up on this mod and offer it as a kit. Until then however, it's a DIY project that involves a machinist.
What exactly is the Yves Alton starter fix? Where can I get the required parts? I have a friend that has just installed one and it failed.
What does Alton actually say when this issue is brought to their attention? This has been done, right?
What does Alton actually say when this issue is brought to their attention? This has been done, right?
Not very much - I was told they were considering it. I actually sent them CAD models of my fix so that they could look at it themselves...

Time will tell... I guess...

What does Alton actually say when this issue is brought to their attention? This has been done, right?
right. my first failure, emailed a fellow named Maxime at alton. in my case, nothing was covered under warranty, so pretty much on my own and flying solo. actually, Jack at classic bike experience (the U.S. distributor), was more helpful than alton. second failure, didn't bother contacting anyone. good thing for this forum, yves, and a machinest friend.
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