Are you working on a Pre-unit Triumph without Whitworth tools?
Partially. I have a set of Whitworth combination spanners alongside several comprehensive sets of the usual AF and Metric. I don’t know what ever happened to the ones I used to use when I started biking 50 years ago. Actually I don’t think I had any anyway
What caught me out was this recessed bolt that needs a small socket. It was defeated by use of a 6 point 5/16” AF socket that finessed its way deeply enough for me to undo them. 3 new bolts on order, along with a suitable socket set. I won’t be beaten.
I am getting grief at ever step I take though. The crank nut came out with the stud still attached,OK not really a worry as I’ll replace both items. Then despite heat and a puller the sprocket wouldn’t come off. A grinder made enough vibration and localised heat for it to finally, slowly pull off.
New sprocket required. But as the clutch basket has also endured over 60 years of use, it is also well mullered and I’ve a new one on order. With all new plates, springs, adjuster screws and cups. If I’m going to do it, then I’ll do it as best as I can.
After taking off the inner chaincase, with a chunk missing at the rear

I have unbolted and removed the gearbox and noted the cracked engine plate

- but I’ve new ones on order anyway, so once again not a worry.
Perhaps I’ll strip the gearbox and have a look inside at the state of the bearings and gears etc. and do a delete of the shitshift mechanism

get the casings vapour blasted for a better finish and, and, and, and
Well before the “and” I’m taking a couple of months away in the motorhome so no more progress until later in the summer.