Warning Light Assimilator wiring

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Richard Tool

Aug 3, 2019
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Some confusion here on wiring WLA . I believe the diagram supplied with the new Lucas main harness may be in error. It can be seen that only two leads - red and brown/blue - are called out for the WLA while the WLA requires three. It seems to me that the three leads labeled Blue Lamp Flasher Unit are meant for the WLA as their location by coil group more closely matches the original WLA location and their colors - white/brown , green yellow and red match both the wiring schematic in the service manual and my original harness which I labeled before disassembly . I originally thought that the three leads labeled Blue Lamp Flasher Unit might be part of the Interpol wiring but now I think otherwise . If I am correct then are the two wires labeled WLA for the turn signal flasher perhaps ? I have no turn signals so they can be blanked if this is the case.
Warning Light Assimilator wiring

Warning Light Assimilator wiring

Am I on the right track here ? Thanks in advance for any help - RT
I believe the diagram supplied with the new Lucas main harness may be in error.

Yes, it is.

It can be seen that only two leads - red and brown/blue - are called out for the WLA while the WLA requires three. It seems to me that the three leads labeled Blue Lamp Flasher Unit are meant for the WLA as their location by coil group more closely matches the original WLA location and their colors - white/brown , green yellow and red match both the wiring schematic in the service manual and my original harness which I labeled before disassembly .


If I am correct then are the two wires labeled WLA for the turn signal flasher perhaps ?

No, the Brown/blue and red, marked "Warning Light Assimilator" are the accessory socket/"Power Point" wires.

The rear direction indicator wires are also marked incorrectly on the Lucas diagram as RH is (should be) green/white, LH is green/red.

The white/yellow "Ignition Coil/Ballast" wires should be white/purple although 'WP' (ballast to coils(-) isn't marked on the factory diagram.
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Yes, it is.


No, the Brown/blue and red, marked "Warning Light Assimilator" are the accessory socket/"Power Point" wires.

The rear direction indicator wires are also marked incorrectly on the Lucas diagram as RH is (should be) green/white, LH is green/red.

The white/yellow "Ignition Coil/Ballast" wires should be white/purple although 'WP' (ballast to coils(-) isn't marked on the factory diagram.
After reading this I am asking if there are any surprises in identification of wires concerning the brand new cloth wrapped main harness for MK111 that I've just received from Lucas. Part no. 066396. WW1932 is also on the green box label. Plus Trust Lucas of course...
After reading this I am asking if there are any surprises in identification of wires concerning the brand new cloth wrapped main harness for MK111 that I've just received from Lucas. Part no. 066396. WW1932 is also on the green box label. Plus Trust Lucas of course...

The WW19132 wiring diagram appears to be accurate apart from the Stator-[Edit]-Zener wire which is shown as white and should be white/green. The white/red and white/purple* with a red marked as 'Starter Motor' should be Starter Motor Solenoid.

*(WP not used if EI fitted)
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Thank you L.A.B. , I've modified the MK111 Colour Coded Wiring Loom Installation Plan , adding a fine green magic marker line to the center run of the white Zener diode wire. Also I've penned in the word "Solenoid" right after the Starter Motor words. Also I've penned in with an arrow pointed towards the white-purple Starter Motor wire (revised to include solenoid..) the words " Not used if E.I. fitted" .
Next ( just ordered in ) is the headlight harness ,Taped not cloth. Any surprises in store ?
In Lucas we Trust.
After reading this I am asking if there are any surprises in identification of wires concerning the brand new cloth wrapped main harness for MK111 that I've just received from Lucas. Part no. 066396. WW1932 is also on the green box label. Plus Trust Lucas of course...

Have a good hard test/check of the connectors on those Lucas cloth harnesses. Started to wire mine and had two bullets fall off in my hands. I actually chose to refurbish my old tape one in the end.
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Next ( just ordered in ) is the headlight harness ,Taped not cloth. Any surprises in store ?

The majority of connectors are multi-pin plugs, which, hopefully, will be correct on the actual harness so I won't go into detail unless it becomes necessary, however, where single wires are concerned...

1. The light-green/brown marked as "Pilot Light Speedo/Tacho" and white marked "Switch Feed Neutral/Ign Warning Lights" are the flasher relay wires 'LG/N' & 'W' (as the Mk3 flasher relay is inside the headlamp shell).

2. The white/pink marked as "Ignition Warning Lights" is an unused wire (for an electronic tacho - see factory diagram 'WK' wire).
The majority of connectors are multi-pin plugs, which, hopefully, will be correct on the actual harness so I won't go into detail unless it becomes necessary, however, where single wires are concerned...

1. The light-green/brown marked as "Pilot Light Speedo/Tacho" and white marked "Switch Feed Neutral/Ign Warning Lights" are the flasher relay wires 'LG/N' & 'W' (as the Mk3 flasher relay is inside the headlamp shell).

2. The white/pink marked as "Ignition Warning Lights" is an unused wire (for an electronic tacho - see factory diagram 'WK' wire).
Thanks L.A.B. , I will pen in these corrections when the harness arrives. Seeing as I have a Smiths electronic tachometer should I use this WP ?
I'm working on a 72 Combat. the WLA is missing. The wires are burn't, specifically the ground connection.
The ground wires were also burn't up at the head steady. I assume the WLA was discarded as a result.
What causes this?
Thanks Richard and LAB. I installed my WLA yesterday and am about to begin attaching wires using the same diagram. Great timing.
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