I will admit to name calling , I referred to myself as a freeloader for first 10 yrs or more ,just in this past year I ponied up ..... I also thanked everyone for making this forum possible ... .... just in this past 18 months or so , I have noticed a “nasty streak” maybe too strong but you all know what I mean ... still can’t believe our most prolific poster has been chased for no good reason .... and there is still a bit of an edge in some of the posts and this like I say is new , been watching this since it started and I always liked the vibe until recently , not sure what happening ... old sayin around where I live goes like “ say what you mean , mean what you say “ lot of comments these days I just don’t get ..... maybe I too old and have been left behind , sure hope not ..... let’s just all agree to carry on with more good natured posts