Video latest BSA/Norton Gathering (NOCNSW)

You have really brightened-up my day with your video. I found the plunger ES2 interesting. I still have a few parts. I was trying to collect enough bits to build a pre-ww2 Inter.
All in all, the Commandos seem to make the most sense. I thought the 961 looked really lovely.
Used to be a member when I lived in Sydney. The K100 at 1:30 won the prize for ugliest bike on the day. People can be so unkind.
Hi there Satan. NO we don't give a prize for the ugliest bike. If we ever did that, we would have to give a prize to the prettiest one as well.
Most of the prizes on the day are raffle prizes (everyone who attends gets a free raffle ticket). The only awards are for the Norton and BSA of the day.
We may do the same next year - but we have some good ideas about how we might change things a bit.
Come along next year - you most welcome.