toppy said:
SteveBorland said:
Am I missing something here? If Toppy is using standard 850 pistons, there's no valve pockets. I'm wandering along a similar path with my engine, since the Wiseco high compression pistons are currently not in stock. My plan is to try no base gasket & JS's 0.030" head gasket to see if this will work with the PW3 cam.
My cases are currently with Steve Maney to get the cam bushes sorted - I gave up on getting them done locally.
They are NOS +20 pistons with standard CR but have been pocketed. I got them from Mick Hemmings when he did the head an rebore work he advised Wiseco higher CR but i was worried about starting issues like i said. I should have took his advice i know but to late now.
I was also thinking of trying Jim's 0.003" head gasket (a used standard type measured 0.030" Steve) and with my admittedly crude measuring of pocket volume (1cc per piston) added to my equally rust maths of rebore volume an such i think the 0.003" gasket would give maybe 9.5 CR and if no base gasket was fitted also 9.9CR. Does that sound about right to others and do they think nearly 10 to 1 CR would be to high for road bike on normal fuel (good stuff but available from ordinary petrol station) not race or aviation fuel.
Toppy, I run 10.5:1 in my 850 and it runs fine on 'super unleaded' etc. Yes it takes a hefty swing, but generally starts first or second kick, so in summary, starting and running are no problem. And it goes like stink!
I believe that the Norton head design means that at that CR the combusiton chamber shape is nice and compact and the squish works well, thus allowing a higher CR than would be possible on something like a Triumph for example.
Ref your own plans, I don't think something adds up correctly. I run JS pistons which have crowns .110" taller than stock, and that's what gives the CR (and nice tight squish).
If I recall correct, a fitted head gasket is around .030". A base gasket is less than .020" (maybe much less depending on type of paper used). So, you are probably only going to remove max .050" and if so, you'll still be a good .060" more gap than I have, so I would guess you will be somewhere a little over 9.1.
For ref, if you're on a + .020" bore, I believe every 1mm (or .040") removed takes approx 4.7cc out of the equation.
My own 850 had a base gasket fitted when I bought it, I measured the CR and it was 7.6:1 with stock pistons and no machining of head or barrel, which is quite pathetic really I feel. The reason I add this info is that it is wrong to assume that you're starting from a base of 8.5:1 as was claimed by the factory!
Personally, I can recommend a nice high CR if that's the kind of ride you're looking for. Which leads me to also say it is NOT too late, you could easily sell your unused + .020" pistons and put the dosh towards some nice Wiseco's ...
Just sayin' !!