Trying to find the configuration leaving the factory 72 combat LR Fastback.

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Jun 1, 2016
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I am digging into this project after sitting on it for a year. It apparently is a LR Fastback, Combat with a disc brake. Has the steel Atlas style tank, no ears seat, the longer side covers.

I have corresponded with VMCC (pictures and engine numbers) All matching. They confirmed the numbers but told me "unfortunately the entry next to your machines engine and frame number is completely blank."

Regardless I am going to restore it as a LR Fastback.

Is there another source for the configuration information?

Thanks Brian

Another question. I am looking for a local parts vendor in Los Angeles/ Orange County?

Trying to find the configuration leaving the factory 72 combat LR Fastback.
Trying to find the configuration leaving the factory 72 combat LR Fastback.
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Who cares what it left the factory as. That's very cool! It's not a bike often seen.
Is there another source for the configuration information?

Andover Norton is where I got info on my 1972 Combat. But all it says is: Machine 201251 was a yellow Roadster model, the 25th bike built on 4th January 1972." It costs quite a bit to get that little info!
Andover Norton is where I got info on my 1972 Combat. But all it says is: Machine 201251 was a yellow Roadster model, the 25th bike built on 4th January 1972." It costs quite a bit to get that little info!

That was the first working day back after the Christmas and New Year holidays in 1972... your bike did well to survive given that those putting it together on the day would still have been quite pissed !
That was the first working day back after the Christmas and New Year holidays in 1972...

The 3rd (Monday) was probably the first day back after the New Year as New Year's Day (Saturday that year) still wasn't a bank holiday in England, Wales and N.I. until 1974 so no bank holiday on the following Monday.


  • "1973 - 2 January was created an additional bank holiday in Scotland by the 1971 Act. However, the provision did not come into effect until 1973.
  • 1974 - New Year's Day became an additional bank holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and Boxing Day became an additional bank holiday in Scotland."
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Andover Norton is where I got info on my 1972 Combat. But all it says is: Machine 201251 was a yellow Roadster model, the 25th bike built on 4th January 1972." It costs quite a bit to get that little info!
You found out from the despatch record more that I did..... IMHO a waste of money
You found out from the despatch record more that I did..... IMHO a waste of money

I've tried to get the VMCC to understand that in the US, we have no need for anything official, we just want the info. I joined the VMCC thinking I would get info on my Triumphs, but found that not only was it a PITA to get anything, you actually have to pay more due to being in the US (postage). I wish they would understand that they could make a good deal of money charging $5-10 to look up the info and send an email.

Andover Norton is not as expensive and I order the record from them when ordering parts so the postage doesn't hurt so bad. I wish they would provide the service we need in the US. I've mentioned it to them and will again.
I bought a lot of replacement parts from AN. Do they use the same source as VMCC?
I bought a lot of replacement parts from AN. Do they use the same source as VMCC?
No. Andover has factory dispatch books and they have gaps (they have nothing on two of my bikes). has the BSA singles dispatch books. VMCC has the rest AFAIK.

Andover does not make it obvious how to order the record - go here:

The picture on that page shows a later bike - more info than earlier bikes. In 1972, it was just the date, color, model.
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